Thursday, 19 January 2012

诸葛亮字孔明 Zhuge Liang XI by plaedes

Chapter 56

For the time in the series, Kongming loses his cool and temper to Ma Liang, depicting the amount of stress he had undergone handling the reins of Jing Zhou and Liu Bei's absence and his brothers missing him.

A drunk Zhang Fei storms in one day and accuses him of Zhou Yu's rumours, of being in cahoots with his brother Zhuge Jin (in Dongwu's service) and taking over Jing Zhou. Zhang Fei overthrows his desk, for the first time in the show, we could see Kongming's helplessness. Seeing Kongming angry and upset, Ma Liang asks why are you flaring up? It is unlike you. Kongming tells him, once I tended to the lands in Nan Yang, I came into service as I did not want to plan strategies for the paddies, am also at least considered a noble person. And now, I have to put up with Zhang Fei's temper everyday.

Ma Liang told him, I know what you are like, but Guan, Zhang do not fully understand, for they only have their brother in their heart. They are coarse people (translated), how can you compare yourself with them? Kongming said, I am not angry with them but at myself. Ma Liang told him, you often spoke of Han Xin, 韩信也曾受过胯下之辱吗?In your heart are dreams to restore the Han Dynasty, what Han Xing can endure, so must you, said Ma Liang as he teared. Kongming, with a sudden realization, said that compared to these, what is this small amount of hardship?

The next scene turns to Liu Bei's escape from Jiang Dong, being pursued by Lu Meng's men Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, the land generals formally under Sun Jian's and Sun Ce's command. Zhao Yun remembers the last bag of strategy from Zhuge Liang and opens it, hands it to Liu Bei and tells him that it is for him. Sun Quan's sister reprimands the two generals, telling them they have never regarded Sun Quan as the ruler with only Zhou Yu in their hearts. She tells them she is under his command to accompany her husband to pay respects at his parents' graves, having informed her mother as well. Whoever stops them will lose their head, next their small group of army moves aside into two groups as the Liu Bei's carriage, Zhao Yuan, Sun Qian, and the horse tender makes their way.

Back in Jing Zhou, having a game of chess, Ma Liang has never beat Zhuge Liang at chess before, but on that day Zhuge Liang lost, Ma Liang knew that something was on his mind. Zhuge Liang realises that it is too quiet and Zhang Fei has not made a scene at his residence today. A startled Ma Liang says, are they planning on using the army?

Kongming's understanding of the men is seen when he says: The elite of the 10,000 forces here brought from the north by our Lord, Guan and Zhang. They have followed our Lord for years, should Guan and Zhang call for them, they will respond. If they use these men to take me and the token of military authority, they can move the entire Jing Zhou forces to the east.

What should we do? Ma Liang said.

Zhuge Liang handed the token of military authority to Ma Liang, telling him to deploy Huang Zhong's men. Ma Liang told him he will move to deploy them immediately to protect Zhuge Liang. However, Kongming instructions for Huang Zhong is to leave the city, their origins lie in Jing Zhou, naturally, he would feel closer to Zhuge Liang. If he knows that Zhang and Guan are making use of the army, there will be a conflict. It will not be easy to split these tens of thousands of men and I do not wish to see them kill each other, destroying all our efforts overnight.

Who will protect you if I bring all these soldiers away? Ma Liang asked. A soldier knows that he will die, Zhuge Liang replied. It is my fate to have met Liu Bei.

At the shore, Zhou Yu catches up with them, luckily, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan have already arrived on higher ground. Zhou Yu orders his men to charge, and Huang Zhong's and Wei Yan's men shoots them them. Liu Bei gets on the boat, with the soldiers shouting a rehearsed insult coined by Zhuge Liang at Zhou Yu, who, yes, pukes blood and falls from his horse.

Zhuge Liang is accused of deploying Huang Zhong's troops for his own use by Guan and Zhang, at this point, Liu Bei returns to Jingzhou. A teary eyed Zhuge Liang decides to leave Liu Bei, his student Ma Liang has followed him for years and this is the first time he has seen him cry. Realising their mistake, Guan and Zhang chase Zhuge Liang immediately to the harbour, being prideful people they have never went down on their knees or asked for forgiveness, but in case, they did for Liu Bei. The mood was lightened when Zhuge Liang unrelented, saying that he had made up his mind, and a playful Zhang Fei lifted him off with Guan Yu back to camp.

Finally inviting them into the house to have tea after Guan and Zhang had stood there for hours, Zhang Fei, the known alcoholic requests for wine instead of tea and is flatly rejected by Zhuge Liang. The well known prideful Guan Yu also pours tea for him, obeying Liu Bei's command. This shows his 2 things: 1. His regard for his brother 2. His regard for Zhuge Liang. I like the firmness of the young Zhuge Liang portrayed and the respect he finally commanded, most people would have relented 50%.

From my perception, Zhuge Liang did really want to leave Liu Bei, but when Guan and Zhang carried him back, it was from there that he decided they needed a little discipline, knowing that they are good generals and would lead tens of thousands of men later, and cannot afford to do things according to their mood.

Aftermath of the Sun Liu Marriage Alliance

Reflecting on his failures, Zhou Yu had realised he cannot act on impulse nor to be calculative. Proposing to Xu Chang to make Liu Bei the Jing Zhou Mu, 牧,in line with Sun Quan's thinking, Cao Cao agrees, and makes Zhou Yu the Nan Jun governor 太守 and Cheng Pu the Jiang Xia governor.

Analysed by Zhuge Liang: The proposal by Sun Quan to Cao Cao means, look at us, we are now related and our alliance is stronger than before, think twice before you come attack us again. Cao Cao's scheme in making the Dong Wu men governors of Liu Bei's territories says, sure, go ahead, I shall wait for you to kill each other. Lu Su understood this point too.

He had a heart to heart talk with Zhou Yu, who agreed that in reality, the powers of Jiang Dong lies in both their hands, and to bring them forward, they had to be of one heart. Zhou Yu went straight to his objective: Jing Zhou, asking Lu Su to visit Liu Bei and ask for them to attack Xi Chuan. Should Zhuge Liang reply that their army is not ready, then as allies, Dong Wu would lead the attack for them, and when they win Xi Chuan, they will exchange it for Jing Zhou. However the scheme was to attack Jing Xiang enroute Xi Chuan, turning back towards Jing Zhou. This time, Lu Su whole heartedly follows Zhou Yu's decision, on the condition that it is allowed by Sun Quan.

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