Thursday, 19 January 2012

诸葛亮字孔明 Zhuge Liang X by plaedes

Chapter 49: Northern Expedition, Battle for 零陵, 武陵, 长沙, 桂阳

The Battle for 零陵

Zhuge Liang's first appearance in his famed iconic seat with wheels, complete with a shade and servants, as well as the use of his well-known battle formation.

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun captured the enemy general Xing Dao Rong with ease, an unreliable character full of bull shit, ready to betray his master. He offered to open the gates to the city in the middle of the night, and when he returned to his master Liu Du, he told him he got captured on purpose as they cannot defeat the enemy with sheer brute force. He then told Liu Du to set an ambush after he opens the gate for Liu Bei. Naturally, his betrayal is obvious, and Zhang Fei played along, moving into the city, quickly retreating and luring the enemy to the nearby forest where an ambush is laid.  Liu Du's son Liu Xian is captured in the process.

Zhuge Liang knows that Liu Du is a weak ruler who loves his son more than his own life, many things are decided by Liu Xian in Ling Ling. Zhuge Liang foresees Liu Du opening the city gates in surrender  to Liu Bei in exchange for Liu Xian's life. Liu Bei is offered the seal of power, and returns it to Liu Du, allowing him to keep his former position as governor. Liu Bei knows that he is a good ruler (though a weak one would be easy prey for an enemy like Cao Cao, thus endangering the rest of the cities.)

With this win as an example, there was a good possibility of winning over the rest of the cities without a battle.

The Battle for 桂阳: Zhao Yun vs Chen Ying

Advised by Zhuge Liang that in Liu Bei's expedition, the main objectives were the four cities. In order to achieve these objectives, depending on war and killing is not enough. If they meet strong resistance, not only Jing Zhou's territorial area cannot be expanded, but also with heavy casualties and consequences. Knowing Zhang Fei's temper, he sends Zhao Yun for Gui Yang.

This is Zhuge Liang's style of winning a battle without using an army, by convincing and persuading.

The rest of the battles are posted under Liu Bei.

Chapter 52: Liu Bei's Betrothal to Sun Quan's Sister

Zhuge Liang deploys Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Huang with 20,000 men along 4 roads, overseeing Liu Bei's safety to Jiang Dong。Zhao Yun escorts Liu Bei as advised by Kongming, before leaving he gives Zhao Yun 3 sachets and tells him: Inside you will find my secret orders, open them in the order of red, yellow and white. The first when the boat is on the way to Dong Wu, and act according to my plan. Should you be in Jiang Dong till the end of the year, open the next bag for the orders, as for the last, open it when you are in danger. You must remember this.

Zhuge Liang has Liu Bei headed directly to 健康 for the marriage instead of to Jiang Du, thwarting Zhou Yu's plan. Zhou Yu flips his glass over in the presence of Lu Meng, to which he replied I understand and took his leave. On the boat, Zhao Yun opens the first satchet, looks at it and informs Liu Bei: Just ahead of us is 庐江镇, a prosperous city of Jiang Dong. We had left hurriedly without any betrothal gifts, we should get ashore and buy some. Liu Bei asks, why don't we buy them in Jian Kang? It is the capital of Jiang Dong, and the quality of the things will be better. Zhao Yun replies, in this case, Sun Quan will know it is a last minute gift and take it as a disrespect.

In the town, Zhao Yun divides his 500 men into groups of 50 comprising 10 men per group, instructing them to go all over the town and purchase gifts, making it lively and known to every citizen of the incoming marriage. By then, news had also travelled to Sun Quan's mother who was kept in the dark and in anger she reprimanded Sun Quan and Lu Su, summoning Zhou Yu to see her. Liu Bei arrives in town 2 days earlier instead journey of 5 days due to strong winds, and Lu Meng's attempt to kill him is foiled. Lu Su received Liu Bei at the harbour, apologizing for not having enough time to prepare the band and music, and Liu Bei jokes, you don't have time to prepare your band but you sure have prepared many troops. The natural reply would be it is for your protection.

Zhou Yu meets Sun Quan and tells him that he has deployed 60,000 men to Jing Zhou now that Liu Bei is in their hands. If you are afraid of the people gossiping, you may execute me after Jing Zhou is captured, and I shall have peace even when I'm gone. Sun Quan does not want things to be done in this manner, for the sake of his mother who have brought them up with values of filial piety and righteousness. If she knew that the marriage was for exchange of Jing Zhou she would be infuriated.

Chapter 52 closes with Sun Quan asking Zhou Yu, how can you move the army at your will? Are you the ruler? Or I am?

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