Sunday, 19 September 2010

刘备字玄德 Liu Bei by plaedes

*All pictures from the new series taken from

This post is an attempted detail to capture the historical events according to the new series, Liu Bei's well known principles of benevolence, ambitions, character, and the men of great and renowned talent he attracted to his service that follows him to death.

[caption id="attachment_1618" align="aligncenter" width="415" caption="Founding Emperor of Shu Han"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1615" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Liu Bei Statue (Oct 2007 Cheng Du) from my phone camera"][/caption]

Learning and feelings from this character:

No matter your values and principles, still there will be people who call you otherwise behind your back,
Your friends and people who believe in you matter, the rest are not important, and so we've heard it all before.
I learnt that people will still know you for who you are, that is your reputation and image.
I learnt that one can be recognized for having talent, but might not be able to succeed in the near future, in fact Liu Bei was looked on as a threat by many, constantly fleeing from people wanting him dead in the years before he had finally obtained Jing Zhou with Zhuge Liang's help.
I learnt, that righteousness most times does not exist with ethics, and so it is, one cannot have the best of both worlds.

Liu Bei Brief Bio (Oct 2007 Cheng Du) from my phone camera

Summary of major events
161Born in present day Zhuozhou, Hebei.
184Fought the Yellow Turban rebels in central China.
194Took over governorship of Xu Province.
198Defeated by Lü Bu.
Allied with Cao Cao.
200Defeated by Cao Cao.
Escaped to Yuan Shao.
Joined Liu Biao.
208Allied with Sun Quan and won the Battle of Red Cliffs.
Took over Jing Province.
215Defeated Liu Zhang and took over Yi Province.
219Conquered Hanzhong.
Declared himself King of Hanzhong.
221Proclaimed himself Emperor of Shu Han.
222Lost the Battle of Xiaoting against Eastern Wu.
223Died in Baidicheng.

The new version of 3 kingdoms has Liu Bei very calm, soft spoken and when he speaks he does so with intellect & ambition backed by a kind desire to do good for the people. The previous Liu Bei appeared much too soft and weak. This series shows his weakness to beauty in the form of Sun Quan's sister.

First Grounds

Finally accepted Xu Zhou from Tao Qian on his dying bed, only to offer it again to Lu Bu, losing it to him eventually and Cao Cao taking it from Lu Bu through deceptive warfare.

His first words to Zhao Yun:

方今天下,各路英雄豪杰?以兵马权谋 称霸一方

而我刘备在兵马上远不如他们 但我有两样是他们没有的

其一 我一仁义为身子本 待人之道


欲治乱世 必先收人心

(yu - 4th)


Chapter 14
Assigning Zhang Fei to guard the important city, who is hot tempered, beats his men and gets drunk was to train Zhang Fei to take on important duties in future,

Naturally he broke all the rules his brother laid down, 1. Not to drink 2. Not to beat his men and 3.?

Zhang Fei beat up Cao Bao, Lu Bu's cousin when he refused to drink win him. In spite, he complained to Lu Bu who with Chen Gong's advice, assessed the golden opportunity and took the defenseless city easily.


People of Xu Zhou plead with Cao to have Liu Bei as their governor. When Cao asked why, they said:

刘备爱民, 那九个月是徐州最太平的时光

刘备以各乡镇订立约法, 罢斥贪官,减轻赋税


才有了五丰登(FENGDENG,HARVEST), 人丁兴旺


仍然托福刘备当初的德政 我等多年未见


Chapter 18:

Incurring Cao's jealousy and threatened by Liu Bei, Cao decides to bring Liu back to Xu Chang. The emperor Conferred a Zhu Hou title on Liu Bei when he realised his heritage as the 18th descandant and a distant relative of the royal family.

Chapter 19:

Liu Bei's first show of temper, first when he was refused entry by the sentries to the emperor's chamber even as a Royal Uncle, and later when the sentries wanted to search him.

He flew into a rage but relented when the sentry told him that Cao will execute him if he did not do his job.

Chapter 20:

Sent on an expedition against Yuan Shu, who decided to make up differences and merge with his cousin Yuan Shao, Cao's first mistake was assigning 50000 troops to Liu.

Liu Bei accomplished his assignment, Yuan Shu committing suicide after being forced into a small temple.

Liu Bei then returned the Royal Seal to Cao (as a gift of death and bad omen), took over the 50000 troops from the 2 generals that Cao Cao assigned by making them drunk and then taking over the city of Xu Zhou probably with the Bing Fu (military authority) to make the governor think he is sent from Cao and opened the gates.

Cao flew into a rage and fell sick upon hearing the news, fainting in court.

Liu Bei finally had a standing place of his own and rallied a army of 90000.

Chapter 28:
Returning Yuan's kindness to him he blocked the Cao army from killing Yuan when the latter was defeated I'm the infamous battle of Guan Du.

Chapter 36: Fleeing to Jiang Xia

Liu Bei asked Kongming, what shall we do? I have indirectly caused their plight...

Kongming replied, At this pace, it will take us half a month to reach the city. I reckon Cao's army will reach us in 2 days with his calvary. The only choice we have is to abandon the generals and head straight to the city, if not the consequences are disastrous, not only the citizens lives be lost but yours as well, that would be a far worse outcome.

Liu Bei, although knowing he had one of the best minds in the land, made his stand:

When people are in the face of trouble, they go to their loved and closed ones, when the people come to me, they look at me as family.

the emperors of old based their power and glory on their land, but I believe that it lies in the people, as long as the people are of a single heart, we can achieve anything, without them, we are nothing and my reputation would be tarnished.

In spite of his wisdom, Kongming told Liu Bei, Your words bear power and meaning, I am ashamed.

Guan to Kongming: In my life, there are only 3 things I respect, one the heavens, two the earth, third, my brother, his benevolence is as high as the heavens and as wide as the earth.

Kongming: now I understand why you brothers can stand together despite all the hardships and challenges, I respect.

Zhao Yun's Legendary Rescue

rides his horse back of the line to look for Liu Bei's wife, killing scores of enemies after her life and meets Xiahou En bearing Cao Cao's 青纲 sword.

For comedy effect, rather for the 'movie effect', when Xiahou En charged to Zhao Yun, Zhao willed his horse to fall sideways, on the ground, and using his spear, he trips the horse Xiahou En is riding, the famed sword goes up in the air, onto Zhao's hand, who grabs it, points it at him and tells him to fuck off, he will one day use the sword for Cao's head.

Hmm flying bodies poked by his spear, one dude banging into three others and all dying, too little blood for a slash across the neck, it should be dangling a little... Armour looks like it is made of cloth when cut... However

It is very likely for a warrior of high caliber to take on 100 men, of course not at all one shot, factors spurring his bravery, adrenaline, will, focus, aggressiveness, backed by a good and noble cause, he has already won 30% when the enemy fears him and is hesitant.. In the first place he is already a natural inclined warrior.

Deep within enemy lines, Zhao meets the first lady with the crown prince, a baby then in a small village but is soon surrounded by the enemies, pleading with the lady to get on the horse as he fights them off, killing another 20-30 men (from the serial). The first lady knowing that the horse would only be able to take one person, and not wanting to let Zhao walk and escort her, she throws herself into a well.

Surely, they must not believe their eyes.

Zhao tied the baby by the side of the well to his chest, pushes a wall of stone over the well to protect he first lady's body, pays his last respects and leaves the village.

Making his way back, he runs right into the middle of the main Cao army formation... Right in the middle, where there seems like thousands and thousands of them all with long spears dying to taste a piece of his butt. Unfazed in his desire to bring back the baby Lord, he fights valiantly, killing scores and scores of enemies as they surrounded him and tried to poke him. Zhao fell off his horse.

Cao, very much impressed, gave orders to take him alive, in doing so Cao Ren reminded him of Guan Yu, and Cao changed his mind.

At a timely moment, his horse runs to him, and Zhao charges all the way out, breaking through the lines and shields with his spear, running to Zhang.

Zhang Fei's Intellect

For a bad tempered warrior and straightforward person, this was his first display of intelligence.

Single handedly guarding a bridge, he ordered his men to move to the forest behind and make it appear like there is ambush, with the knowledge of his own courage and bravery, with the fact he is prepared to sacrifice himself, and that the enemy would be wary of Kongming's tricks.

Challenging the Cao generals to a one on one life and death duel, they were afraid, hesitated at his display of bravery, temper, power or sheer madness. Cao Cao gave the order to retreat when he arrived and deduced that an ambush is laid behind the bridge with dust and movements of flags.

It is legend (from the old and new serial) that Zhang's battle cry challenge actually killed a guy who fell off his horse.

Liu Cong arrives at the river bank with reinforcements in the nick of time and Liu Bei escapes (all the citizens have suddenly disappeared in this scene)

Chapter 49: Northern Expedition, Battle for 零陵, 武陵, 长沙, 桂阳

[caption id="attachment_1450" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="Map of Hunan (provincial)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1452" align="alignright" width="500" caption="Map of Hunan (Detailed)"][/caption]

The Battle for 零陵

Zhuge Liang's first appearance in his famed iconic seat with wheels, complete with a shade and servants, as well as the use of his well-known battle formation.

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun captured the enemy general Xing Dao Rong with ease, an unreliable character full of bull shit, ready to betray his master. He offered to open the gates to the city in the middle of the night, and when he returned to his master Liu Du, he told him he got captured on purpose as they cannot defeat the enemy with sheer brute force. He then told Liu Du to set an ambush after he opens the gate for Liu Bei. Naturally, his betrayal is obvious, and Zhang Fei played along, moving into the city, quickly retreating and luring the enemy to the nearby forest where an ambush is laid.  Liu Du's son Liu Xian is captured in the process.

Zhuge Liang knows that Liu Du is a weak ruler who loves his son more than his own life, many things are decided by Liu Xian in Ling Ling. Zhuge Liang foresees Liu Du opening the city gates in surrender to Liu Bei in exchange for Liu Xian's life. Liu Bei is offered the seal of power, and returns it to Liu Du, allowing him to keep his former position as governor. Liu Bei knows that he is a good ruler (though a weak one would be easy prey for an enemy like Cao Cao, thus endangering the rest of the cities.)

With this win as an example, there was a good possibility of winning over the rest of the cities without a battle.

Note: 零陵, present day Yongzhou, Hunan

The Battle for 桂阳: Zhao Yun vs Chen Ying

Advised by Zhuge  Liang that in Liu Bei's expedition, the main objectives were the four cities. In order to achieve these objectives, depending on war and killing is not enough. If they meet strong resistance, not only Jing Zhou's territorial area cannot be expanded, but also with heavy casualties and consequences. Knowing Zhang Fei's temper when meeting a general who will not surrender, he sends Zhao Yun for Gui Yang.

This is Zhuge Liang's style of winning a battle without using an army, by convincing and persuading.

First using a 3 point spoke weapon, next a sword and finally a double hammer, Zhao Yun easily defeats Chen Ying and lets him off. Chen Ying knew that he is not match for him and that Zhao Yun's abilities are far above him, persuading his Lord to surrender to Liu Bei. Zhao Yun's aim was successful, he won the enemy's respect and made them think, in his appeal to his Lord to surrender, Chen Ying told his Lord, If Zhao Yun is so heroic, what more of his Lord Liu Bei? Even Cao Cao's million strong army could not withstand Zhao Yun on 长坂坡上, and he is just one of their famed generals, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu has yet to appear, how can we resist their strength? I'm afraid that even Cao Cao is not up to it either. Ling Ling's Liu Du had surrendered and still maintained his title.

The rest of the generals agreed with Chen Ying, but the Lord, Zhan Fan was very unhappy with the thought. And if I don't surrender? He asked. Chen Ying got up from his kneeling position, and the rest of the men moved forward, besieging him with their right hand cupped over the left. The advisor, who looked like a typical traitor and petty person, advised his Lord to surrender, which he eventually did, but secretly plotted against Zhao Yun.

Inviting Zhao Yun to dinner, Zhao Fan tries to swear brotherhood with Zhao Yun, on grounds of the same surname. Then he tries to tempt Zhao Yun by betrothing  his late elder brother's wife to him. Zhan Yun's patience was ultimately tested when Zhao Fan suggested for him to follow Cao Cao, and when he disagreed, and left, soldiers surrounded the house. Needless to say, Zhao Yun single handedly defeated the whole lot of them, riding out of the city with 5 of his men and is met by Chen Ying.

Chen Ying lets Zhao Yun out of the city as gratitude for notkilling him, Zhao Yun returns and captures Zhao Fan.

Note: 桂阳, present day Chenxian 郴县, (should be in Hunan, damn hard to get the right location)
Chapter 50

The Battle for 长沙: Guan Yu vs 黄忠 Huang Zhong

[caption id="attachment_1622" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Map of China"][/caption]

Huang Zhong was a well known general for his bravery and skills as a warrior despite being in his 60s, Zhang Fei captured Ling Ling with 3,000 men, and Zhao Yun captured Gui Yang with 3,000 men, but Zhuge Liang advised Guan Yu to take 6,000 men because of Huang Zhong's presence.

A prideful Guan Yu insisted on bringing just 500 men, and reminding him of the incident at Hua Rong Dao, Zhuge Liang foresees Guan Yu's victory.

Huang Zhong was a man of integrity and loyalty to Han Xuan, who would die in defense of his city than to surrender. He has no fear of Guan Yu's reputation, of charging through an army killing Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and crossing 5 stations killing 6 generals. Having lost the first round of duel, he was spared by Guan Yu . In the next well known duel, his arrow misses Guan Yu's head narrowly, going for his head wear instead. He has a reputation as a highly accurate archer who never misses the target, in that instance Guan Yu knew that his life was also spared in repayment for the 1st duel.

However, Han Xuan listened to his advisor, who reminded him about how the other Gui Yang and Wu Ling were lost: Gui Yang was lost when Chen Ying opened the gates for Zhao Yun. As for Wu Ling, it was lost when Zhang Fei inspired the enemy troops with Liu Bei's aspiration and the governor Qing Xuan was shot from the back, unexpectedly taking over his position as governor. (not shown in the new series)

Han Xuan knows that Huang Zhong is loyal, but these words from his advisor changed his perspective: One must not have a heart to harm others, but one must have not lack the heart to guard against others.  Ultimately, Han Xuan has Huang Zhong arrested and orders his execution despite the officials pleas. He is to be executed in the town area but Wei Yan saves him and slays Han Xuan, reasoning that he is an unworthy ruler, and does not mete out fair rewards and punishments, keeping Wei Yan as a lowly general. Huang Zhong walks away in angst, a man of integrity who would still not bear to betray his master although the people and officials have turned their hearts to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is known to be a charming person, and Huang Zhong is won over by his virtuous ambition to restore the Han Empire. He told Liu Bei he had a wish: To oversee the proper burial of his former master, and Liu Bei tells him he will attend Han Xuan's funeral together with him.

Zhuge Liang orders the execution of Wei Yan knowing he is ambitious and had betrayed his Lord, and relents on Liu Bei's forgiveness. Wei Yan is strictly warned by Zhuge Liang that he can see through the slightest deception and will be able to remove his head with a flick of his thumb. Wei Yan is given 500 goal and promoted by Zhuge Liang to keep his ambition in check, threatening his life and giving peace to his heart later.

News soon come from Jing Zhou that Liu Qi is very sick, and he soon passes away. Liu Bei, Guan, Zhang and Zhuge Liang mourns his death, remembering the great aid that Liu Qi has given them, for reinforcing them when Cao Cao's army was in pursuit of them, and for freely lending Liu Bei his army during the battle of Chi Bi.

With the consolidation of the 4 provinces of Chang Sha, they now have an army of 60,000 men almost evenly powered with Sun Quan.

Zhou Yu sends an army of 30,000 and navy of 50,000 to Jing Zhou, reaching in 3 days to back Lu Su up despite Sun Quan's wishes not to engage any warfare with Liu Bei. Consequences being heavy casualties on both sides and Cao Cao standing to gain from their war. Lu Su visits Liu Bei to ask for Jing Zhou, and is delayed again by Zhuge Liang on grounds of a solid base for Liu Bei to restore the Han empire. Now, their agreement, to Sun Quan's wishes, is that psychologically, Jing Zhou belongs to Sun Quan and Liu Bei is merely residing there.

Liu Bei gives a formal writing to Sun Quan they will return Jing Zhou when they have conquered Xi Chuan.

Liu Bei's other wife passed away.

Chapter 52: Liu Bei's Betrothal to Sun Quan's Sister

Scheming against Liu Bei, Zhou Yu came up with a plot to hold Liu Bei in Jiang Dong in exchange for Jing Zhou. It was the betrothal to Sun Quan's sister. A marriage offer that Liu Bei could not reject knowing the risk involved that he may never return home, but had to be done for the sake of the restoration of the declining Han. They all knew that Zhou Yu could easily hold Liu Bei within their territory.

With the marriage, they would be in-laws and would be a deterrence to Cao Cao should he intend to invade.

Zhuge Liang is given overall power of Jing Zhou when Liu Bei is not around, Guan Yu worried that he will seize military control and take over Jing Zhou for himself. Liu Bei tells them off sternly, reminding them of the times they struggled before they met Kong Ming, and reminds Guan and Zhang that without Kongming they could still be wandering about without a home of their own, without the Jing Xiang territories, and the generals would not have 10,000 elite soldiers each under them today.

Here we can see the darkness of the human heart and every man for himself: Zhang Fei tells Liu Bei that Zhao Yun has utmost respect for Zhuge Liang, probably even more respectful to him than to Liu Bei. Even his recent marriage was arranged by Zhuge Liang. Perhaps it is the darkness of the times, if Zhao Yun were to be such a person, he would not have risked his life heading back to enemy lines, desiring to rescue Liu Bei's wife, nor to single handedly bring Liu Bei's son back to him even in the face of Cao Cao's entire enemy, would he? Guan Yu had a point though, he brought up the fact that if Liu Bei were to held for a long period, the people's heart may change and be inclined to Zhuge Liang.

Liu Bei threatened to stab his own ears should he hear them talking about Kongming in this manner again.

Liu Bei has a talk with Zhuge Liang, he knew the cause of worry for Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang, for the first time portrayed in the show, is personally affected with his advice to Liu Bei, he wants Liu Bei to go to Jiang Dong for the sake of the majority, but he does not want him to go personally for his life will be at stake. Liu Bei knows that Zhang and Guan may give Zhuge Liang a hard time when Liu Bei is not around, he issues a secret order, presumably to for Zhao to kill Guan and Zhang if they do not comply. Liu Bei knows that Zhuge Liang will be the only person capable of handling Jing Zhou should anything untoward happen to him, the only person up to the task of restoring the Hans.

Darkness of the human heart again? to him, Liu Bei's desire to restore the Han is of utmost importance, and his brotherhood, though as important to him as his own life, is nothing in comparison. His focus is so evident, when he tells Zhuge Liang, if you are able to use them, please do so, if you are not, give them up.

Zhuge Liang breaks down and kneels down, my Lord, go with a peace of mind, I may be able to observe the stars and predict a person's life and death, but I cannot predict the opportunities heaven provides. I feel that you will be able to come home safely, should anything happen to you, I will whole heartedly assist your young son with Zhang, Guan to get rid of the tyrants and strengthen the Han dynasty. Kongming, Liu Bei sighed, before I can only see your brilliance, today, I know of your loyalty. Zhuge Liang burns Liu Bei's secret order, telling him he does not need it.

Zhuge Liang plays the Qin for Liu Bei as a bid to see him off, the last time he played was before the battle of Chi Bi.

Chapter 53:

Chapter 52 closes with Sun Quan asking Zhou Yu, how can you move the army at your will? Are you the ruler? Or I am? Zhou Yu replies, I understand and returns the token of military authority, a lion like carving made out of marble or stone to Sun Quan.

Having been the ruler of Jiang Dong for 10 years, Sun Quan is infuriated that he does not command any respect from the men who only takes orders from Zhou Yu, even his orders to recall the army from Ba Ling was rejected on grounds that Zhuge Liang had deployed troops there. He orders the execution of the men who does not heed his command, only to be advised by his mother, are you Cao Cao with many generals and talents? How many good men can Jiang Dong afford to lose?

She told him, as a ruler, one must be able to bear and endure those that a normal person cannot, magnanimous and sincere in your heart, treat your men well. If you want to succeed as a good ruler, you need to be in one with your generals. Have a good relationship with Zhou Yu, who has good standing with the men, or slowly, the army will distance themselves from you. She agrees, unwillingly, for the broader picture to marry her 18 year old daughter to 48 year old Liu Bei who is the same generation as her late husband whom rose together with Liu Bei in the Yellow Turban rebellion.

Sun Quan visits Zhou Yu and returns his token of military authority, giving his appreciation for the early years where without his initial army and assistance, they would not be where they are today. Reminding Zhou Yu of his close relation with his brother and how trusted he is to Jiang Dong, that he is akin like a brother, his mother treats Zhou Yu like her own son as well. Sun Quan decides to go with Zhou Yu's decision, who wants to attack Jing Zhou and capture Liu Bei. At this point Lu Su arrives but is eventually relieved of his position, accused of being in cahoots with Zhuge Liang based on their friendship and not treating Sun Quan as a ruler, so why should Sun Quan take him as a trusted subordinate?

Zhou Yu visits Lu Su the next day, wondering why his residence is so simple despite Lu Su's position. On receiving Zhou Yu, Lu Su orders his men to prepare a feast and is informed that there is no household income for it, as all his income has gone to the support of the orphans of the men from the battle of Chi Bi. Zhou Yu told Lu Su, you are my benefactor after all, it is sad that we have become political enemies, yet today, you receive me warmly in your home, I am deeply touched, come let me toast your  heroic spirit.

Lu Su said, Gong Jin, you are mistaken, we are not polital enemies, we just have different strategies. Back then, when I mortgaged everything I had, it was not to help you, but for you to help the people. Besides, what we have differences on are not personal matter, but matters of grave importance. Zhou Yu replied, Lu Zi Jing, you are indeed LuZi Jing, 大义凛然,毫不通融。With his character, Zhou Yu does not change his mind once he made up a decision, his plan was to kill Liu Bei, capture Jing Zhou and force Zhang Guan into submission. Lu Su told him, that since Cao Cao lost the battle at Chi Bi, he has yet to gather an army in revenge, and asked Zhou Yu why? It is because he had realised that the ultimate ruler is based on benevolence, as opposed to tyrannical dominance.

One night, Lu Su warns Liu Bei of Zhou Yu's trap, if Sun Quan's sister does not agree to marry Liu Bei, his 300 men will not let him leave alive. Liu Bei does not want to leave, as leaving is akin to starting a war with Sun Quan, and only Cao Cao will stand to gain. Liu Bei is informed that there is only a 10% chance of success, but he replies, There is no need to say more that even if there is a 10% chance, it is still worth a try. (this reflects his overview and understanding of the broader picture, decisiveness in the face of danger).

In the next scene, a sleepless Sun Quan has a talk with his mother at his father's altar and is told, you are meant to do great things, you must not be endure anger, even if the sky fell down, you still must be able to sleep. Go and sleep now. Sun Quan replies, yes mother, you are right, please sleep early too and goes to bed.

Chapter 54: Zhou Yu Invites Liu Bei to a Banquet 鸿门宴

Zhou Yu invites Liu Bei to discuss the wedding with Sun Quan's mother at  甘露寺 Gan Lu Shi, secretly planting 300 soldiers around the area to kill Liu Bei.

Zhao Yun is aware of the ambush and questions Sun Quan, who does not know of this attempt. Ordering him to step down and not be disrespectful to Sun Quan's mother. Liu Bei kneels in front of her, and asks that if she wants to kill him, please do so now.

Lu Meng's sword tries to find a place on Liu Bei's body and is stopped by Zhao Yun, an infuriated Sun Quan orders his men to pull him out for execution. Liu Bei stops him, and tells them, that his hatred for Liu Bei has reason, it is probably not his hate alone but the hatred of the entire Jiang Dong. As a descendant of the Han Emperor.. yawns... exterminating Cao Cao and restoring the Han dynasty is his duty. But he does not have capital, therefore he can only be thick skinned and borrow Jing Zhou from Dong Wu. When I rode into Jingzhou with that few pathetic men and horses, I was filled with guilt, scolding myself, having been righteous all my life, rather making things difficult for myself than others, how can I occupy this land which a friend has bled for? But then again, I thought of the north, the Emperor in his pain, humiliation and endurance, I could only grit my teeth and harden my resolve. In a louder tone, he carried on, even if the entire Jing Xiang province scolded him, it is still the nearest to the Middle Plains. It has been my dream to organise and lead an army from Jing Zhou to Xu Du to save the emperor.

Today Liu Bei expresses my desires to heaven, the lands does not belong to Liu Bei, but neither should they fall into Cao Cao's hands. They only belong to the Hans. If I am fortunate enough to be successful, I will remove my armour, and tend to the farms, never to take up an official position.

Sun Quan's mother is impressed, the sweet young 18 year old chick looks at him from behind the curtains.

Liu Bei said, this year I am 48, and i do not have not much time left for this expedition. I believe that everyone in here are all loyal Han people, so right now, I sincerely beseech all of you to assist. Of course, if you feel that what I am saying is false (at this moment drawing Zhao Yun's Qing Gang Sword and handing it to Lu Meng), please allow Zi Ming to cut me in half, and my blood to run dry from my body as a gratitude for all the talents of Jiang Dong.

Chapter 55

Zhou Yu showers Liu Bei in a life of luxury, a mansion, rare and expensive pearls and crystals, chamber maids, even increasing his household allowance from 40,000 to 100,000. Liu Bei on the surface seems indulged with women and wine, drinking everyday. He had his own live band complete with a group of female dancers.

Meantime Zhou Yu plants people in Jing Zhou with rumours that Zhuge Liang is planning a revolt and taking over the city with his brother Zhuge Jin, who is in Dong Wu's service.

It is now towards the end of the year and Zhao Yun, remembering Kongming's advise, opens up the 2nd satchet. Soon he storms to Liu Bei's residence and reprimands him for forgetting about his brothers in Jingzhou. Liu Bei infuriated, tells him off that he is no longer in his service and sends him back to Jing Zhou. Once back, he is given 30 strokes of caning as punishment for not following military orders to protect Liu Bei. He then returns to Liu Bei with a limp.

This was all part of Kongming's plan to have Liu Bei return to Jing Zhou, getting Zhao Yun to tell him it is up to him when he wants to return, when he wants to, Zhuge Liang will send news that Cao Cao's army is attacking Jing Zhou and Liu Bei needs to be back. Having a difficult time telling his wife, as she will be either apart from him or her mother, Sun Quan's sister decides to follow her husband. She tells him even she does not believe that Cao Cao's army is attacking, what more from Zhou Yu? She seeks her mother's permission for them to visit Liu Bei's parents' grave to pay their respects, it was an unspoken silence when her mother combed her hair, telling her stories of her childhood, and Sun Quan's sister said, my hair is too long, and cut if off, placing it on the table.

Sun Quan's mother organises a banquet for the officials of Dong Wu, as Liu Bei flees Dong Wu, the story continued under Zhuge Liang, chapter 56.

Chapter 58/59: Pang Tong's First Appearance

Pang Tong took on the name of Long Guang and impressed Liu Bei in his recruitment drive for talents with his literalistic writing. Liu Bei assigns him as a governor of Lei Yang County but he sleeps and drinks on the job, not making any appearance for a 100 days.

Zhang Fei decides to do visit him and teach the new governor a lesson for his negligence, and in half a day of meeting Zhang Fei, Pang Tong completes administration of 100 documentations that were accumulated since his absence. In the course of going through the paperwork, oops bamboo scrolls, he takes a glance at one documentation and realized a mistake in the calculation of provisions, coming to the conclusion of 12,753 dou, which took the men half a day to recalculate.

Commenting that Cao Cao and Sun Quan are but playthings in his hands, Liu Bei hurries to him overnight when Zhang Fei reported his extraordinary abilities, in spite of his young wife's date and son's illness. To him, he can enjoy the scenery of the moon every night, but should he miss this talent it would be gone forever. He also regretted judging Pang Tong based on his weird appearance. On arrival, he fills up his wine gourd with Pang Tong's favourite wine.

A seemingly offended Pang Tong though, was not appeased with a gourd of wine, and had decided to leave even though if Liu Bei forcibly made him stay. As such, Liu Bei tells him he would see him off. Which he did, and told him that they are a poor province, with nothing valuable as a gift for him, much as he appreciates his talent. Liu Bei even offers the horse Di Lu that had saved his life before. Zhang Fei wanted to kill him so that he will not fall in the enemy hands, but Liu Bei said,

Although I cannot retain him, i wish that he can find a better ruler than me, with a showcase for his talents and get rid of the world of evil, so that, I may forever remember the mistake that I made today.

Pang Tong turned back and tells Liu Bei that the horse has turned back, being too used to his previous owner. He requested for another horse, which Liu Bei obliges. Then he said, My Lord, why are you waiting there? Let us go back to Jing Zhou. Liu Bei, surprised, said, what did you call me? Long Guang replied: All my life I have been searching for a ruler that knows how to appreciate and see talent, I am willing to follow you and assist you in your ambitions. Zhuge Liang returns from visiting the 4 provinces, and meets Long Guang.

It was then Liu Bei realised that Long Guang is actually Pang Tong.

Chapter 64:

Liu Bei gives Zhang Song a warm reception befitting royalty and receives him at the entrance of Jing Zhou with Zhuge Liang, the officials, musicians, red carpet and stuff. Liu Bei lays the carpeting with Cao Cao, Cao Ren, Zhang Liao's, Xu Chu's battle flags to leave an impression and honour his entrance to Jing Zhou. Liu Bei tells him that it is just like seeing his relative Liu Zhang in person, giving him priority and keeps him entertained personally for a few days. I do not know whether it is more of his nature of kindness and treating others with sincerity, or more of Zhuge Liang's plot to win his trust. Doesn't matter whichever is more, it is both.

Zhang Song is convinced with Liu Bei's benevolence and gives him the detailed map of Xi Chuan. He tells Liu Bei that Liu Zhang is known to be a weak and useless ruler and the people long for a good ruler, he is even willing to be known in history to be a traitor but Liu Bei refuses to plot against a relative, especially of one that is given an official position by the ex-Emperor. Here you can see Pang Tong, in his attempt to persuade Liu Bei as well, his plan, is good, alas, but he does not understand his ruler like Zhuge Liang does who has only kept quiet all this while. So no matter  how fantastic your proposal maybe, if it is not in line with your boss's heart, it is a goner.

Everyone knew that Xi Chuan was the key to Liu Bei's expansion and military growth.

Eventually, Pang Tong collaborates with Zhang Song to lure Liu Bei to Xi Chuan using Zhang Lu's attack as an excuse knowing that Liu Bei will not forsake kinship.

Chapter 65:

Liu Bei travels to Liu Zhang with 30,000 men and sets up camp at 涪城 (Fu Cheng). Liu Zhang, convinced by Zhang Song's words, decides to pay a personal visit now 360 miles away to Liu Bei as a token of his gratitude and to receive him despite all his advisers and officials' plea not to go. Wei Yan, instructed by Pang Tong, attempts to assassinate Liu Zhang in Liu Bei's camp with a sword dance display, Liu Zhang's general Zhang Ren retaliates and soon everyone was clanging swords.

Liu Bei orders them to stop. As Zhang Ren was leaving the tent, Liu Bei stops him and his men, telling them that he is of blood ties with Liu Zhang, do not doubt him any more. He swears that if he does anything unrighteous to Liu Zhang, anyone of them has the right to kill him.  Liu Zhang tells Zhang Ren later, that if he cannot even trust his own blood ties in this chaotic times, then there would be no one else to trust. Exact words told to him by Zhang Song initially.

News come that Zhang Lu has arrived in 葭萌关 [Jia (1st) Meng (2nd)] Jia meng pass with 20,000 men. Zhang Ren advises Liu Zhang to send Liu Bei as the vanguard to test his sincerity. Naturally, Liu Bei obeys his orders whilst Liu Zhang went back to his lifestyle of music, pretty female dancers and wine. He looks too old to give them a good time, what a pity for the chicks. Liu Zhang gives his robe bestowed by the former Emperor to Liu Bei as an encouragement.

Initial Clashes with Sun Quan

A dying Lu Su agrees wholeheartedly with Sun Quan to appoint Lu Meng as the vice commander in chief, they all know that there will be an inevitable war in Jing Zhou. Sun Quan tries to allay his worries and tells him he will send a messenger for all the important issues for his advise.

Meantime, Sun Quan plots to take over Jing Zhou with Liu Bei away by sowing discord with his sister and Liu Bei. Sending a messenger who told her that all 3 letters sent to her have not been received, hence his presence. His pretext was with a very sick and dying mother. Sun Xiao Mei rushes back to Jiang Dong with Liu Bei's son but is stopped by Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, who killed many of Sun Quan's men in the process including the dude that brought the news to Liu Bei's wife.

Back in Xi Chuan, Liu Bei seems to repel Liu Zhang's enemies with ease. However, Liu Zhang's promised provisions to Liu Bei had been declining, from the initial 30,000 dan and 军饷 50,000 qian.  As of last month, only 2,000 dan of provisions were received with no pay for the soldiers. This month, their provisions were almost empty. Liu Bei tells Pang Tong he will write to him to request, but Pang Tong tells him that after they have helped him, Liu Zhang is embarrassed to ask them to leave and can only force them to do so by means of holding their provisions.

Liu but receives news soon after that his wife had gone back to Jiang Dong. Pang Tong, on hearing that, told him: 去者自去,来者未来, 情缘易了,主公珍重。 Liu Bei is upset and drinks with Pang Tong, knowing that she will leave one day.  The babe is a young chick after all ^^.

Chapter 66: Pang Tong's Death at Phoenix's Fall Slope

For the first time, Liu Bei is portrayed in his dilemma, hating himself for his righteousness and wanting to have Xi Chuan to fulfill his ambitions, yet these two are opposing like fire and water, his battle would be without a cause. Pang Tong tells him that he will help him find a solution. Sending a letter to Zhang Song's brother ''by mistake'' who lived opposite him, the letter's contents was the ''attack by Liu Bei's army and for Zhang Song to open the gates at the appointed time''. Zhang Song's brother brings the letter to Liu Zhang and Liu Zhang sends Zhang Song's head to Liu Bei so as to let him know that they are 'aware' of what is going on. Zhang Ren sends an army after Liu Bei.

Taking Pang Tong's advice to retreat from 葭萌关 (Jia Meng Guan) to 雒城 (luo 4th), Pang Tong took the small road leading to the west gate Luo Cheng of while Liu Bei took the main road leading to the east gate. At 落凤破 (Phoenix's Fall Slope), Pang Tong, styled, Phoenix, knew that this would be the place where he met his end. Zhang Ren lay in ambush and killed Pang Tong, who charged ahead of the army and was struck with over 40 arrows, dying on the spot.

His letter addressed to Liu Bei read, My Lord, I am the one who betrayed Zhang Song, the motive is to force Liu Zhang to take action against you. Were you not worried that you battle with him would not have a cause? Now your army will have a cause: Liu Zhang repayed your kindness with evil, laying an ambush on you when you were retreating and killed your advisor, with this cause, it would be enough to convince the people, and to convince yourself. Just ahead is Luo Feng Po, that is the most suitable place for an ambush on our way back to Jing Zhou, and Heaven's final resting place for me.

Liu Bei, consumed with rage, ordered the charge to Luo Cheng. He sent Guan Ping to Zhuge Liang to reinforce the attack. Guan Yu is left in charge of Jing Zhou, sternly reminded by Zhuge Liang to remember his 8 words, Resist Cao Cao in the North, Peace with Sun Quan in the East, as long as he remembers this Jing Zhou shall be safe.

Back in Xi Chuan, Liu Zhang panics on Zhuge Liang's impending arrival. His advisor Huang Quan suggested to invite Zhang Lu into Xi Chuan, the very same enemy he had requested Liu Bei's help to repel 2 years ago. 2 years later, he needs to ask Zhang Lu's help to repel Liu Bei. (It was all over a letter which he did not even check the authenticity of it. If Liu Bei had any ulterior motives, the best opportunity was when Liu Zhang was in their tent, all he needed to do was to take his head off, there wasn't even a need to raise an army to besiege walled cities, as the best strategy, wldn't he?) Due to their past differences, Huang Quan proposed giving Zhang Lu's advisor, Yang, well known to be a very greedy person, 20 of Xi Chuan provinces. Not left with much of a choice, the faggard Liu Zhang agrees. The only warrior able to stand up against Guan, Zhang, Zhao is Ma Chao, obviously.

The story is continued under Zhuge Liang in Chapter 67.

Chapter 67: Liu Bei obtains Si Chuan

The aftermath from Zhuge Liang's scheme: Liu Bei obtains Si Chuan from Liu Zhang.  He summoned Huang Quan to his presence. Liu Bei asked him, I would like to ask you a few things. I heard that all the officials had abandoned Liu Zhang, only you wanted to protect him to escape from the city. I also heard that you were the one who suggested to behead Yang Song and send it to me as a display of power. And I even heard, the ambush at Phoenix's Fall Slope was your idea. Huang Quan tells Liu Bei It is such a pity you were not on the Di Lu Horse. At this moment, Liu Bei becomes angry and slams the table with his hand. Huang Quan laughs, where are the soldiers? Quick, come and take my head. Liu Bei tells him, you are the most able official in 益州 Yi Zhou. The people say, Huang Quan administers Xi Chuan, is just like Zhang Zhao administering to Jiang Dong. Xi Chuan's 41 provinces, army provisions, taxes, army, horses, weapons, there isn't an area that you are not thoroughly familiar with. Without you, the lands would have fallen. Huang Quan sighs and says, yes, that is the truth, what a pity I had a weak ruler and corrupt officials, ruining the lands and rivers of Chuan.

Liu Bei walks up to him and showed him Pang Tong's letter, in it, Pang Tong tells Liu Bei that Xi Chuan will be his after his death. He advised Liu Bei to be selective and make use of the talents from the Chuan lands, and let them be the pillars to support the restoration of the Han Dynasty. Especially Huang Gong Heng, he is the most able person in Xi Chuan. Please do not hate him because of my death, loyal men are rare to come by, should Liu Bei fail to use Huang Quan, my death would be in vain.

Liu Bei requests Huang Quan to be appointed the Right general and hold the power over all the people in Xi Chuan. Huang Quan finally kneels in front of Liu Bei and acknowledges him after the initial resentment and hostility. Liu Bei says, Pang Shi Yuan can now rest in peace.

Liu Bei promotes all his warriors, Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao.

The next scene shows Liu Bei paying his respects to Pang Tong's tablet as Zhuge Liang comes in. Do you remember the 3 strategies you advised me in your cottage? He asked. Zhuge Liang says, 1. take Jing Zhou, 2. take Xi Chuan, 3. conquer the world. Liu Bei says, we now have 1/3 of the world, my gratitude to you is boundless and words cannot express them. In his sadness, he says, Pang Tong and 2000 men were sacrificed at Phoenix's fall. Today I brought offerings and candles to pay my respects, but I cannot identify Shi Yuan's body. Kongming, at this rate, can I really unite the world?

Zhuge Liang says, the world has been in chaos for a 100 years, the people across the 4 seas had been longing for a united land and peace. To accomplish this, there must be a 圣君,a wise ruler in possession of wisdom, judgment, and experience. My Lord, you are the Sagacious ruler bestowed from heaven. Liu Bei replies, I hope that I will not let heaven down.

Note: 益州, present day Sichuan and Chongqing
The next step after obtaining 1/3 of the world

Zhuge Liang advises, my Lord your next step is to rest up for a few years, on one hand to strengthen the army and the people wealthy, on the other, to accumulate provisions and weapons, when there is a change in the world, we can lead a million strong army to attack 长安 Chang An, 洛阳 Luo Yang in a single campaign and bring peace to the lands, accomplishing our ambitions for thousands of generations to come. Good, says Liu Bei.

Kongming, these are the rules of what Fa Zheng has written for the administration of Chuan. Zhuge Liang replies, I have seen them, Fa Zheng had consulted me before he wrote them, I totally agree with his views on a generous and lenient administration. Why? asks Liu Bei. Zhuge Liang tells him, 400 years ago, 高祖皇帝 Gao Zu Huang Di entered Hanzhong and had once laid down 3 rules with the people. 1. 诚信 Have integrity, 2. Love the people 3. 轻徭薄赋 Be easy on the people. As such, the citizens could feel his virtues and whole heartedly helped him to acoomplish his great cause. Today, my Lord, you have entered Xi Chuan just like  Gao Zu Emperor entered Hanzhong in the past years. So you should be lenient towards the reassurance of the people's expectations.

Liu Bei's Leadership

Liu Bei tells Zhuge Liang, I have already turned down the rulings. Fa Zheng only knows one side of the story, in those years, why Gao Zu Di could be lenient was because 秦皇 Qin Huang was extremly violent that was hated by the people. Hence he acted according to the exact opposite direction. Liu Zhang and his son had been the rulers for many years, it is precisely because good policies are not adopted, punishments are not strict, 宽之以位,顺子以恩; the law and order were gradually breaking down. All kinds of evil arose amongst the court and the commonality. As such, we should not be lenient, but act in the total opposite. We need to be very strict with our rules, whilst reassuring them them at the same time. This will segment the people of Shu, and rewards and punishments shall be strict and impartial. Rights and wrongs, and the disgrace of seniors and juniors shall have a measurable yardstick. All government officials and the common people shall follow the law accordingly. Once Xi Chuan has been settled down a few years later, that will be the time to be have a lenient policy.

Zhuge Liang, looking worried, says, my Lord, you have always been benevolant. Liu Bei tells him, benevolence is also separated as big benevolence and small benevolence. The restoration of the Han dynasty lays before us, I both both happy and worried. To have order for the winds of Han, I am unwillingly to, but I have to do as such. Compared with the 400 years of Han History, the righteousness I had before seems so small. Today, our rules are strict and clear to administer to the country, it is precisely obtaining the Big Benevolence and letting go of the small humanity. Please rewrite these regulations for Chuan and show them to me Kongming. Go now and enjoy the celebrations of our victory with the other officials, I shall stay here and accompany Pang Tong for a little while more.

The narrator who rarely speaks, tells the audience that as of this moment, Zhuge Liang understood that Liu Bei was no longer his former Lord, he had become a real ruler.

With the conquered Xi Chuan, Liu Bei remains at Cheng Du and established himself as one of the 3 powers of the world taking up the western lands commonly known today. Cao Cao is in the north, while Sun Quan takes up eastern Jiang Dong.

Chapter 68: Returning Jing Zhou to Sun Quan, Lu Su passes away

The agreement that Liu Bei had with Sun Quan, from Chapter 50 was for Liu Bei to return Jing Zhou to Sun Quan once they have had Xi Chuan. Sun Quan orders the arrest of Zhuge Jin's family and sends them to prison, and Zhuge Jin to ask for Jing Zhou back from Zhuge Liang, his brother.

For the first time, Zhuge Liang seemed to be at his wits end and panicked, begging Liu Bei to keep his word and spare his brother's family's lives, as Sun Quan will execute all of them for being in cahoots with Zhuge Liang should Zhuge Jin not be able to get Jing Zhou back. Liu Bei relents, telling Zhuge Jin to inform Sun Quan that they have just settled down in Xi Chuan and still need provisions from Jing Zhou, for a start he agrees to give up Chang Sha, Ling Ling, Gui Yang. Once they have Han Zhong, they will return all the other provinces.

However, a prideful Guan Yu who does not give any regard to anyone else, gives Zhuge Jin a hard time and beats off the officials Dong Wu sent to take over the province. Lu Meng, the vice commander in chief visits Guan Yu personally and is not given any face as well, Guan Yu tells him that he is not fit to talk to him and will only talk to Lu Su, he is told that Lu Su is very sick and Guan Yu eventually crosses the river to meet him. Lu Su finds an opportunity in the tense situation to tell him that Lu Meng had laid an ambush in the tent, and for Guan Yu to leave the tent taking him as hostage. Along the way out, Guan Yu asks him why Lu Su saved him, to which he told him he is not saving him but saving the Sun Liu alliance, should Guan Yu die on their premises, it will be a start to a big war with only Cao Cao standing to gain.

Gaining his respect, Guan Yu finally agrees to let go of the 3 provinces as promised by his brother Liu Bei.

Cao Cao meantime sends a 200,000 strong army to attack Han Zhong while Liu Bei has yet to gain a firm ground in Xi Chuan. Zhang Lu surrenders, and all 12 prefectures of Han Zhong belong to Cao Cao.

Lu Su passes away as he attempted to write a final letter to Sun Quan. The next scene goes back to Cao Cao, continued under Chapter 68 as well.

Liu Bei decides to invade Han Zhong

All smiles, Liu Bei announces that Huang Zhong and Yan Yan had successfully breached an important mountain pass to Han Zhong, opening the pathway for the entire army. The second thing is, Cao Cao had declared himself a Duke and provoked a rebellion which nearly killed him. Everyone was cheering on for the impending attack on Han Zhong, but only Kongming was quiet and look worried about Jing Zhou should they lead a full force to Han Zhong.

Liu Bei makes the decision to attack Han Zhong in force to have a battle with Cao Cao once and for all. To him, the faster they take Han Zhong, the faster Jing Zhou will be secure.

Chapter 70: Liu Bei's invasion of Han Zhong

Liu Bei had laid an ambush at Ding Jun Shan but there had been no signs of reinforcements from Cao Cao. Huang Zhong comes into their tent, happily informing them that he had captured Ding Jun Shan and slayed Xiahou Yuan personally along with over 20,000 his men.

Story is continued from Cao Cao's perspective in Chapter 70.

AD 219: Liu Bei declares himself the 汉中王

Liu Bei had scored a resounding victory over Cao Cao and conquered the entire Han Zhong. Everyone was in a good mood, and only Zhuge Liang looked worried.

Fa Zheng comments that Liu Bei's benevolence is known through the 4 seas, and of imperial descendance, as well as having Chuan and Jing Zhou under him. With this victory, Liu Bei had secured over 1,000,000 men and 100o generals, the world's power now belongs to him. Fa Zheng requests Liu Bei to become the 汉中王 Han Zhong Wang and recruit the people of the world to get rid of Cao Cao and unite the world.

Liu Bei says that that the Emperor is held at Xu Chang. If Liu Bei does not come to his rescue, yet declare independance, would that not be the same as Cao Cao? Zhuge Liang looks at him with a worriedly. I cannot overstep my authority, do not ever bring this matter up again. However the rest of the officials request him to be the 汉中王,they will not agree to his refusal. Liu Bei keeps quiet, at this point, Zhuge Liang speaks up: Our Lord always had righteousness as his life long principle, without the Emperor's edict, he will not independently declare himself at the Duke. My opinion is not to let down the officials, please fulfill their wishes, Zhuge Liang requests Liu Bei the same as he raises his glass in toast. Everyone, Liu Bei said solemnly. I am grateful that all of you wants me to the Duke, without the Imperial Edict, I am overstepping my authority.

Fa Zheng then tells him that the former Emperor Gao Zu had laid down a rule: That only those with surname Liu can be declared royalty, as a tyrant, Cao Cao declared himself 魏王,as a royal descendant of the Han Family, why can't you be the 汉中王? Zhang Fei, in his usual manner of speech, says that there are no qualms even if Liu Bei were to make himself Emperor. There was a brief awkward moment of silence, Zhuge Liang spoke up and advised Liu Bei to start by declaring himself the Han Zhong Wang, followed by the petition to the Emperor.

Liu Bei said, in that case, let us follow Military Advisor's advise then. And everyone in the hall payed their respects to him.

Later on, Zhuge Liang tells You Chang that he had not felt more fear in today's big success, than all their past failures.

Guan Yu attacks Fan Cheng

Receiving the good news in Jing Zhou, Guan Yu tells his men that Liu Bei would lead a million strong army to the east and capture Luo Yang, Xu Chang. Cao Cao had lost a good proportion of his power, within a year, there would be major changes in the world.

Guan Yu intends to lead an army to the north to take Fan Cheng, concurrently attacking the North and South with Liu Bei and gathering all forces at Xu Chang after. Ma Liang advises that Fan Cheng is a difficult city to attack, morever it is guarded by Cao Ren with 100,000 men. He tells Guan Yu that the grounds there are dangerous, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Cao Ren is also a capable and experienced general. 5 years ago, he nearly shot Zhou Yu to death in most unfavorable circumstances. Military advisor had reminded us time and again before he left to guard Jing Zhou and not to mobilize our troops easily. Also, our Lord did not instruct us to take Fan Cheng.

Guan Yu says, you only listen to Zhuge Liang's instructions, although our Lord did not tell us to take Fan Cheng, he had put me here to seize opportunities. Fan Cheng is an important city for Cao Cao's Central plains, it has always been in the way to our Northern expedition. How can we not get rid of it? Moreover,Yi De and Zi Long had done their part in Han Zhong, generals, would all of you be contented to sit in Jing Zhou and watch others kill the enemy?

The generals were inspired, looking proud and confident, Guan Yu orders Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang to lead 20,000 men as vanguards to depart the next day to take Xiang Yang, when the main army has arrived, they will attack Fan Cheng. However, the 2 generals got drunk in the middle of the night and set fire to half of the camp. Naturally Guan Yu orders their execution, Ma Liang speaks up for them. Guan Yu demotes them 3 ranks with 40 strokes, sending Mi Fang to guard Nan Jun and Fu Shi Ren to Gong An. Ma Liang advises that Guan Yu should not send these men to the important cities, even if you do not want them at the front lines, you should not place these important cities in their hands, I am worried something will go wrong.

Guan Yu replies, we need to utilise all our men in this expedition. Although these 2 men were careless, they are brave in battle and will suffice for the inferior people of Jiang Dong. Ma Liang requests Guan Yu to think about it again, but he had already made up his mind. He sends Guan Ping and Liao Hua as vanguards in their place.

Chapter 72:

  • Guan Yu loses Jing Zhou

  • Jian An 24th Year - Guan Yu's Death

story under Cao Cao Chapter 72

Chapter 73:

--- to be cont---

Liu Bei

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