Sunday, 19 September 2010

曹操 字孟德 Cao Cao by plaedes

This post is an attempted detail to capture the historical events according to the new series, Cao Cao was the tyrant who knew what the world thought of him, well known for his shrewdness, unpredictability, ambitions, character and brilliant use of army.

My friends know me to be a fan of the 3 Kingdoms, and I'm ashamed to say that I have not known anything much about them. It started with a very keen and consistent interest in ancient china, and the commercial availability of the 3 Kingdoms on VCDs then. However these shows are often spoken in Olden Chinese, the discs I had were not subtitled. I could generally understand 80% of what was being said. I used to like the part where the armies fight, however with age, I begin to understand that the essence of the 3 kingdoms were from the men that created wars, the saying of old goes, strategies are formulated in a tent 1000 miles away. I grow patient to hear what is being said instead of being bored. These days, I attempt to absorb and learn the Chinese culture with a dictionary app on iphone, writing on a note book, and blogging helps me with the details. Challenge is to the actual historical events that took place, for what we know are merely what we are given, especially from the DVDs, and the almost random sources from the internet with no official web page. It is almost impossible to depict a 100% truth to the history, for movies have to be made interesting with overlapping subjects.
Learning, feelings and thoughts from this character:

Like Liu Bei, he had ambitions to dominate the land, what is the difference? One was known as a tyrant for his underhandedness and shrewdness, he was much feared and respected by his men and enemies. Liu Bei believed in working for the people, as long as they are of one heart with the ruler, the land shall be yours. He was known to be a kind and benevolent ruler.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei were, with their talents and ambitions, at that time, recognized as heroes that have not appeared in a 100 years. Such is their uniqueness, a 1 in a million people?... what is the chinese word to use.. hmm. Men like Cao Cao were often looked up by his men, he made things happen. He had the power to, bending the Emperor's authority to his will, but he created events with To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

*All pictures from the new series taken from

Chapter 3
From here, his talent and outspokenness is obvious, in the show, out of all the 18 'Zhu Hou' he did most of the talking.

1. Reputation
He had built a reputation in his attempt to assassinate Dong Zhuo

2. Vision
Recognizing the need for an authority and objective to act upon, he falsified an imperial edict.

3. Eloquence
He convinced the 'Zhu Hou' of why not, rather than why when they realized the edict was a fake one。
4. Research
For 6 months on the Xiliang army, Dong Zhuo's trump card army. He knew Dong Zhuo's 4 generals and their capabilities.

5. Use of army and strategy

Knows how to use army, and military tactics, having the opportunity to kill Dong Zhuo on 5 occasions.

6. Aura
Of command and awe, on the way he speaks, personality and charisma.

Yuan Shao on the other hand, failed to see these opportunities and withheld troops and supplies from the rest of the alliance, wanting to claim credit himself.

By Chapter 7,
He was recognized as the warlord with e biggest ambition, the best trained troops and was feared.

Starting territory:
Yan Zhou,
Xu Chang
Army: 500,000
Advisor:Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Cheng (4th) Yu (4th), Xu You (later killed by Xu Chu)

Biggest opportunity was when the emperor had to flee in exile from the attack of his 2 rebels, whom had initially surrendered but was rejected by Wang Yun.

Only Cao Cao and his advisor had the vision which was realized, in chapter 14 he rescued the emperor and moved him to Xu Chang, under the excuse of protection of his army but in reality was to wield the emperor from behind the scenes like a puppet. The emperor had no choice.

[caption id="attachment_1488" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="曹操控制许昌"][/caption]

was conferring titles on Yuan Shao, Shu and Gongsun Zan, even entitling Yuan Shao the surrounding territory which he had been eyeing. Xun Yu, who earlier advised Yuan Shu to be the first to rescue the emperor but was flatly rejected, foresees a life and death battle in the next 5 years with Cao Cao. Yuan Shao enraged by the double edged sword of the edict, declines the edict and decides to attack Cao Cao.

In terms of number of men and food, Yuan Shao had nearly twice the number of men Cao Cao had.

It is amazing how a man in exile had risen so far in power in such a short span of time. In the earlier chapter, His father, sold all their possessions for a huge sum of 200,000 gold and Cao Cao's reply was 'Not enough' to do great things. That was his start in gathering able men, army and horses. When he said it, it wasn't out of greed, it was fearsome because he said it like he would succeed and knew how to get there. He sure did.

Recognizing the importance of the geographical position Zu Zhou had in unifying China, and the central plains as challenging start, he plotted Liu Bei to take up arms against Yuan Shu, whilst conferring a title on Yuan Shu and also sending him a decree to attack Liu Bei..

Target: Xu Zhou

- planted Chen Deng and his father as his spies to sow discord with Lu Bu and Chen Gong who saw through the plot but Lu Bu did not heed.

Turning Lu Bu against Liu Bei

  • used a messenger to deliver a message that Liu Bei is in cahoots with Cao Cao to takeover Xu Zhou from Lu Bu, and purposely wanted messenger to be caught by Lu Bu.

  • Lu Bu enraged, attacked Xiao Pei town where they were held.

  • Liu had to seek reinforcements from Cao.

Cao gave Lu Bu am Chen Gong the impression that his army would arrive in 5 days, when he left 2 days earlier, even before Lu Bu attacked Liu.

Luring Liu Bei outside the city

  • Chen Gong recognized the need to take over Xiao Pei before Cao arrived, he sent Liu a false letter from Cao that his troops will arrive the next day on the 12 ri and wanted a combine attack.

  • With Liu Bei as bait, Lu Bu was lured to the same area, when Xu Zhou was empty Cao arrived much earlier and took over Lu Bu's Xu Zhou.

  • Liu Bei nearly lost his brothers as a result and was devastated at Cao's treachery, who stopped at nothing to achieve his goals, to him, nothing was more important than his brothers.

End Result:

Execution of Lu Bu, and Chen Gong,despite having a moment of truth, and openness in Cao's personality and sincerely begging Chen Gong to aid.

Chapter 19:

Cao's first show of contempt for the emperor when he organised a hunting trip to see how many people are loyal to the emperor. Grabbing the emperor's bow, he took down a deer and returned it to the emperor, as a show of his authority and undermining the already powerless young emperor.

Chapter 20:


To prevent assasination attempts when he slept, He spread rumours that he kills people in his sleep, and one day, pretended to call for a servant and killed him, and went back to bed. When he woke up, he pretended not to know anything, thus confirming the rumour, and allowing it to spread amongst his men.

He told only Liu Bei, knowing the gentleman he is.


According to Cao, no Warlord then was worthy to be called a hero, for they lack ability, leadership and other aspects. Asking Liu whom are the heroes, his defination of one:

上能洞察宇宙之妙, 下能吞吐天地之机


By then, Xun Yu brings news that Yuan Shu has conquered Gongsun Zan, whom killed his family and committed suicide.

Chapter 22:

In another stroke of military deception, Cao Cao, enraged by the Emperor's secret edict to kill him, leads an army of 200000 to take over Xu Zhou and kill Liu Bei.

Knowing that the city is well defended with its walls, Cao purposely let 5000 inferior troops line the walls outside the city and moved his camp 30 Li away, giving Liu Bei the impression he had sustained heavy losses and is reorganising his army.

That was exactly what Liu Bei thought: A surprise attack in the middle of the night to kill Cao Cao swiftly, but alas, he fell for Cao Cao's trap of an empty camp with ambush surrounding them.

Liu Bei, forced to a mountain top, attempts suicide but is met by Xu You, Yuan Shao's old advisor.

Chapter 27: The Battle of Guan Du Yuan Shao's 700,000 Army Invasion Vs Cao's 70,000

Cao Cao's inspiration to his men.

This battle will decide the fate of the Han Dynasty for the next 500 years, question he posed to his men:

1. To battle or not,

If so, a swift one, or a sustained one

2. Peace,

To negotiate peace, or to beg for it

Actually he already knew the answer and wanted to see what his advisors and generals are made of.

Only Xun Yu stood out from the advisors and adviced:

I do not know military tactics, but I know Yuan Shao's heart, that he will want to conquer Xu Chang, even if we wanted peace, he will reject us. Undermining Yuan Shao's army as known well known but does not have 'power' 徒有虚名,spurring and rallying Cao's generals' jealousy and pride by mentioning Guan Yu's slaying of Yan Chou and Wen Liang.

Cao Cao stood up, and took a walk. This portrayal was one of charisma, experience and wisdom, which commanded awe and respect from his men. He said:

I used to admire Yuan Shao when I was in my 20s, why? Because of his family background, and my father was an official, I was ashamed I could not compare to him and often Yuan Shao laughed at me. In my 30s, we attended court together, outwardly I was respectful but inside, I despised him. Why? for he is the one who brought the calamity of bringing Dong Zhuo to the palace, despite my repeated advice that it is akin to bringing a tiger to our lair.

In my 40s, Yuan Shao and I had our own land and I began to hate him. Why? Because

身为人主,却心胸狭隘,器识浅薄, 外宽内忌,刚愎[bi (4th)] 多疑

身为统帅,却有谋而无断,色厉而胆薄 [bao (1st)]


He allows his 3 sons to vie for power and his authority, uses people he likes instead of talent.

From here we can see, this friend of mine is but a false front regardless as a ruler, general or father. I have already foreseen this battle 8 years ago and have already made my preparations. 8 years ago, Yuan Shao had 300000 men, and I thought I needed at least 200,000. 3 years ago, he had 500,000, I thought I needed 100,000. Today he has 700,000, and 4 major cities 州郡 (history), as he said this he got angrier, and said, so his famed has reach the skies.
However, to win Yuan Shao, I simply need an elite army of 70,000.

Xun Yu asked, why is Yuan Shao using more men through the years, whereas you are using fewer and fewer?

Cao Cao:
Because the strength is not in the numbers, is in the 精(refined, essence, extract)
The way of the general lies not in ther bravery, but in their strategy,
If I were to pit against Yuan Shao base on numbers, I will never defeat him.
but to compete with him based on strategy and 精悍 (capable and vigorous)
3 Yuan Shao's combined can never compete with 1 Cao Cao.
Cao Cao to Cao Ren: Explain my strategy to the men...
70,000 elite troops trained over the last 8 years, comprising heavy armour, archers and chariots will wipe out his main army.
So you men may ask, what about the balance of 200,000 men?
Cao: they only have one mission - to wipe out the remaining enemy troops to the last man when all his army has fallen.
There is only one battle for this fight. It lies in the first fight, and the enemy will fall, 天下归我。If we fail in the first battle, all of us will dies horribly without a proper burial.
Leaving 8000 old men and citizens in the city, he left his son to defend the city, which his son said:
8000 is too many as your advisor Xun Yu khas said, Yuan Shao is not even aware of when and where the 70,000 elite troops will strike.
We must end the war in 15 days as always, grain is my concern and Yuan has 2 million prepared for this battle.
In his brilliant deception , Cao laid a red carpet set with an umbrella and table, invited Yuan for tea, as part of the plan to make him let his guard down. Against his advisor's words, Yuan full of confidence, accepted the invitation.

In talking to Yuan, Cao took humble pie, put himself down as the Prime minister and praised Yuan to the skies, all while giving his elites time to manouveur to the back of Yuan's army.

He appeared to reminise old times when Yuan, telling him he is not his match, a good offensive campaign against him. A good time to, for if held it 5 years later Yuan would not be his match.

Cao offered to beg for peace, giving up the city of Xu Zhou and it's 6 provinces, and, never to fight with Yuan. Using the Han emperor as a gift of peace, to take him away to his own land. Why? He understood his ambition to be emperor, and because Yuan is much stronger, he can take up a campaign against Cao, but because Yuan is much stronger, no one will dare to attack him.

Fucking brilliant.

Yuan: to prove your sincerity, you should let me have Xu Chang.

Cao: It is my home ground, if I gave it up how would my men look at me? Incompetent! And attempt to get rid of me, if I were to die... Whom would hold this peace talk? And if one day they attacked you, wouldn't that give you problems?

Come, let us drink tea.

Next he sent a group of women to offer his generals tea, telling him it is a kind gesture from the emperor as appreciation for Yuan.

Yuan: Thank you Emperor. To Cao: if you give Xu Chang to me, I promise never to use my army against you, provide material comfort for you and make you a governor.

Cao: thank you for your magnamousity, with his sneaky laugh and twinkling eyes.

By then Yuan advisor had understood what happened when the noon sun came up and faced their army, sending one of Yuan's sons to rackey the back.

In the next scene, Cao was portrayed brilliantly, snickering at Yuan: if I were you I'd never make peace with me, but build a tombstone, for as long as I'm alive i shall win without fighting.

/does a little dance he walks back to his army, leaving Yuan very confused.

The rest of the story need no telling, for every attack Yuan had, Cao had a counter attack. With formations from the back, and on standby, the Cao army was highly hungry and motivated.

Chapter 35:

The newly appointed heir to Jing, Xiang Zhou was summoned to Cao Cao. When asked the strength of his army, Liu Con told him he had 50,000 Calvary, 10,000 army, 180,000 Navy, total of 330,000. Gold and grain amounting to another million, mostly stored at Jiang Xia, enough to last at least a year.

It was amusing to see Cao Cao ask, Why the fuck did you surrender to me then in his authority, aura in front of a youngster, as if dying for someone worthy, of challenge.

He said Liu Bei had less than 10% of what you had and he still put up a fight.

Promising Liu Cong he and his family would forever be Jing Zhou's governor, Cao moved him to the palace with the emperor, in the name of kinship, bring along the royal seal of Jing Zhou, Cao told Liu Cong. You are still governor, in an imperial palace, with that Xu Zhu 'invited' Liu Cong to the horse carriage.

Chapter 37: The Impending Cao Cao Invasion

As anticipated by Kongming, Cao Cao's next move was a navy battle for Jiang Dong.

Cao addressed his men:
I do not worry that Liu Bei had escaped and took refuge with Liu Cong, my concern is he forges an alliance with Sun Quan to rebel against the imperial court.

I have thought carefully on the matter, and decided to revise for 3 months, when the flowers of spring blossom and the rivers have melted, we shall lead a massive 1 million men army for the next invasion and kill Sun Liu.

This would be the last battle in unifying the world. A battle that would leave a name for generations to come, an achievement for a 1000 generations.

Motivating his men:
Victory is in our hands, after this battle I will take my armour off and tend to the land. All of you here will be given titles of Hou (Marquis), 1000 gold, 10,000 plots of land, as well as 4 or 5 young women to be your wives and concubines for your old age. All the men laughed.

On a more serious tone, Cao said, be it a Gold mountain or silver mountain, or beautiful women, remember, that as of now, it is just a painted cake. It can be right in front of you, and before you taste it in your mouth, there is a chance you can always lose it. Do you remember the incident at Jiang Jing Du? Liu Bei was already in our hands, yet, our dessert on a plate, yet, at the last moment, our cooked duck flew away. I want all of you to make ample preparations for this battle, I want Sun Liu dead. Do not let history repeat itself.

Cai Mao, I give you 3 months to train 400,000 Navy and 8,000 battle ships. on the 10 day of the 5th month, all must leave 波阳湖 Bo Yang Hu and head out to the riverbanks 江畔of Chi Bi.赤壁。

Cheng Yu, take this down in writing: I want to declare battle on Sun Quan. Write these down and make 3000 copies, place them in bamboo holders and float them down the river, I want all the people to know of my declaration of war, I want the people to fear me, the people in Jiangdong to be alarmed!

Chapter 41: The attack on Chi Bi

Cao sceduled the invasion on the 11 Month of the 15 Day at noon. He was 54 then, starting one of the biggest naval battles I'm history.

Chapter 42: A softer side of Cao Cao

As the famed battle went, Cao Cao's 1 million army was wiped down to 27 loyal men, generals had deserted him to get killed by Liu Bei's army.

As Zhuge Liang had calculated, Cao Cao passed through Hua Rong Valley, where he had sent Guan Yu to guard, knowing very well he is a man of righteousness who would let Cao Cao go in repayment for his gratitude for his former kindness.

What was portrayed in this scene (according to Cao Cao):

1. Cao Cao was ready to take on his own life, rather dying by his own sword than to be humiliated and defeated,

2. His men who stayed with him respected him and were prepared to die together with him,

3. Cao Cao took care of his men and made sure they were able to leave safely, and stayed alone behind,

4. His respect for Guan Yu seem to be genuine, such that as the general losing the battle he was prepared for the worse, and would not leave, asking Guan what would happen to him if he let him go, eventually Guan Yu had to order his men to hoist him away to safety.

Chapter 43: Post Chi Bi Motivation

Cao Cao addressed his men after they retreated to Nan Jun. Morale was at all time low, men were crying, including Xu Chu, who was sobbing for the loss of his 3000 men.

Cao Cao got Xu Chu to beat the drum, and as all the men gathered, he spoke to them on his analysis on why they lost the battle despite having 813,000 men Vs Sun Liu 50,000/60,000 men.

1. Pride and overconfidence.

A prideful army arisen from the many victories, and it was time for them to take a defeat in the face. There are no 100% victories, but, through the defeats who we will learn how to be victorious.

2. Underestimating the opponent

Even he himself falling for Huang Gai's 苦肉计, as Huang Gai pretended to switch allegiance, using the Green Dragon Flag as a symbol as he approached Cao Cao's navy,  eventually turning out to be the first batch of ships to crash onto Cao Cao's fleet and set them on fire.

3. It was time for a defeat.

We must be able to afford to win, and even in lose, we must afford to be able to lose.

On his motivation and inspiration to the men:

We still have Qing, You, Bing, Ji, four provinces, our land, army, horses, people, taxes are numerous compared to Sun Liu, the court is still in our hands in Xu Chang.

On the enemy:

When in trouble, Sun Liu will hug each other tightly, after achieving victory, they will begin to plot against each other. For eg, if Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang were of one heart, how we can possibly escape Wu Ling Dao? (the men nodded in agreement). Do you think I'm right?  They will break apart sooner or later, it is a matter of time before they lose.

Sima Yi (3rd)'s First Appearance

As Cao Cao addressed his men, a loud snore broke through the serious and heavy mood, Cao Cao put the man responsible for it to prison, visiting him later and realized he is Sima Yi although he pretended to be someone else at first.

Cao Cao managed to identify Sima Yi, not by the handwriting that he claimed, but by his close resemblance to his brother, and more from the hidden talent he foresaw in him during his visit. Sima Yi had advised on a closed internal reform, and a 3 Kingdom split for the next 10 years, if Cao were to attack Sun, Liu would retaliate and vice versa. Cao Cao said that there was only 2 people who could see this, and the other person was himself.

Straight to the point in his conversation to the point of driving it direct to Cao's heartmost worries, from here,he had earlier rejected Cao's offer of service 3 years ago as Cao Cao was at the peak of his power, defeating Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu with a vast army at his beck and call. He had too many people and talents then, and if Sima Yi were to take up the post, his talents would not be recognized and at most, he would be given a Xian Ling post at most.

Cao Cao reprimanded him as arrogant and presumptuous, Sima Yi replied, from what I know, you have many arrogant and presumptuous men, and not too few treacherous thieves, but Prime minister, you have your ways to deal with them, making use of all their talents, regardless of who they are, they follow you willingly and wholeheartedly, as such, we can see your wisdom.

Cao Cao went, Sima Yi, Sima Yi, and sighed, Follow me to Xu Chang tomorrow. Sima Yi's hunger for ambition very obvious as he asked Cao what post he will be given, and Cao Cao joked, Xian Ling.

Sima Yi was made a personal teacher to Cao Cao's youngest son, his favourite who was smart beyond his 9 years of age, if he refused, Cao Cao will kill him ^^.

Ma Teng & Han Sui's 80,000 Invasion

At this point, Cao received news Ma Teng and Han Sui led 80,000 men with the army spilt amongst two roads and heading to Xu Chang. In the capable hands of the advisor Xun Yu, he ordered the gates to the city not to be closed so as not to alert the enemy that they were actually defenseless with 6000 men, he knew that the enemy, whilst appearing ferocious, were in fact, afraid of Cao Cao.

He ordered the men, and officials to be present to receive Cao Cao as he came back, and to make the whole event as loud and high profile as possible to instill fear in Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Here the plot of Cao Pi to gain his father's favour for crown prince is made obvious, and Cao Zhi's uncanny intelligence is seen from a tender age of nine years old. From the intel reports, Xun Yu knew Cao would not be returning for the next few days. Cao Pi had his man inform his brothers not to turn up anyway, while he went alone to wait for his father, from day to night. It was already seen as a 'show' of filial piety. Cao Chong, on the other hand, turned up anyway, telling his brother, that it was so much easier to convince the people and men that Cao Cao was returning if he was present together with his brother.

The instruction was for Xun Yu to gather the men at the Northern gate, which everyone did, and Cao Cao came back through the West Gate after the 3rd day. Assassins made an attempt on Cao Cao's life, but it turned out to be a decoy. Poor dude. Only Cao Chong was waiting at the West Gate on the 4th day, which Cao Cao eventually took. Cao Cao asked him what made him wait there, he replied that events usually do not exceed thrice, you should be back today. Everyone knew you are returning from the north gate, including your enemies. Father you are so smart and would not take that way. The west gate faces the mountain, if the enemy were to attack they would come via here, and, by taking the west gate, which you are most worried about as many stone walls there need repairs, you are able to assess the defenses along the west gate.

Cao Cao was highly impressed, so was I.

Chapter 45: Cao Chong

Next, as four of his sons gathered, Cao Cao asked, the assassins are still in the city, what do you think we should do? The elders answered, we shall lock the city gates and make door to door searches, the other son added,we should offer a substantial reward for whoever arrests them. Cao Pi agreed with the 2 brothers, and Cao Chong had a different view, much like his father's style: Father, we should open the gates, let them go, they have already failed their assassination, it is also pointless to kill them. But if we allow them to return to their camp, they can spread news of your return and scare Ma Teng.

Cao Cao gave Cao Chong a peck on the cheek, incurring the jealousy of his brothers.

Cao Cao advised them:

Do not be angry, for being angry will lower your wisdom. Also, don't hate your enemy, for you will lose your judgement. Rather than hate your enemy, why not, make use of them to our benefit.

Ma Teng and Han Sui retreated their army, as Xun Yu went to Cao Cao the next day to bear news, Cao Cao already knew they had left. His analysis:

Ma Teng is but a farmer, he only knows how to take advantage of my defeat at Chi Bi, knowing that I have returned, he has no other edge against me. Besides, his army has been encamped for 30 days, if he does not return, what will they eat?

Chen Qun on Sima Yi

Summoned by Cao Pi who wanted to understand his father's intention in making him Cao Pi's teacher, he asked Chen Qun about Sima Yi.

He said: 8 years ago, I was neighbours with him, leading a carefree life. At 18, we were both disciples of Mr South, learning the ways of ancient and modern army tactics, and theories under the sun. At 28, I offered my service to the Prime Minister, Sima Yi wandered the 4 seas without a fixed place.

He is ten times above my talent, in terms of wisdom, knowledge, viciousness, and shrewdness and ruthlessness, he is not below Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang. Its just that he is used to having a low profile, so many people do not know about him. On top of that, the Sima family is one of the richest families in Ji Zhou, for a 100 years they have been flourishing, from his great grandparents, they are leaders, with a call, hundreds respond, their followers numerous. The Sima family also knowns tens of thousands of farm lands, in numerous money and grain,  his brother, 子嗣 Zi Si, have been called heroe of the times. I heard that he has 2 sons, all highly intelligent, especially the elder Sima Zhao 昭, at three, he could recite the 春秋 backwards fluently. Young master, you must win him over by all means possible, obtaining Sima Yi is as good as having the support of the northern people!

The Poisonous Rat Scheme

Cao Chong the youngest son, dies from a poisonous rat attack, but according to Xun Yu who had lived in the village in his youngest days and seen many snake bite wounds, it was a poisonous snake bite made to look like a poisonous rat bite.

Cao Pi is also attacked by the rat but manages to survive, the prime suspects where the 2nd and 3rd brothers, Cao Zhi and Cao Zhang (1st). I'm thinking it could also be Cao Pi, in fact, Xun Yu said, My Lord you have taught me, that in any plot, we always ask, who stands to benefit at the end?

Cao Cao visits Cao Chong's wake to observe the brothers, he thought that, the ones with a clear conscious would be tired and falling asleep, whereas the guilty one will not be able to sleep. When he arrived at the wake, only Cao Pi was awake, at that moment, thunder sounded, and he was startled.

Chapter 48: The Defeat at Nan Jun

Cao Ren wrote to Cao Cao to ask for forgiveness for losing Nan Jun, but Cao Cao said, I led over 800,000 men and lost the battle at Chi Bi, Cao Ren had so few men, yet he could fight with Sun Liu for a few days, and almost killed Zhou Yu. He is a general of talent, not disappointing my expectations, even with a defeat, it was a beautiful defeat. He defeated Zhou Yu's men, but lost 3 cities to Liu Bei. We shall wait for a good show.

Only Xu You knows what Cao Cao is thinking, Jing Xiang is surrounded on all sides with enemies, close to Sun, Liu, and far from Xu Chang. Sun Liu has been eyeing on them and must obtain these cities. Jing Xiang will be lost sooner or later. If that is the case, losing it to Liu Bei is better than losing it to Sun Quan. One bone, 2 dogs fighting, the skinner one with the faster mouth will snatch it first, how will the stronger dog be contented?

Chapter 60:

It has been 3 years since Cao Chong's death and time for Sima Yi to choose one of Cao Cao's son to mentor. Sima Yi, recognizing the hidden talents of Cao Pi, the 2nd son and chose him, but Cao Cao had Cao Zhi, the youngest son with the literal talents in mind.

Sima Yi is very well portrayed here, with his presence, one cannot but feel danger and deep schemes, with his character and way he talks to Cao Cao, seemingly straightforward to his words with still waters running deep. He asked Cao Cao, but you have promised me 3 years ago I can choose whomever I want, Cao Cao replied, Whatever is promised, can be broken, right? As the prime minister, my position is higher than the people and the ministers, I have been scolded by people for having a huge appetite and dominating the world highhandedly, right? So, whatever I say, I can break my promise, but the rest of you cannot do so. With that, he dismissed Sima Yi from his service, knowing that Sima Yi is a hidden threat to him in future.

Chapter 61: Ma Teng's Failed Assassination

Cao Cao making use of the Emperor's decree, ordered Ma Teng to lead an army for Sun Quan while plotting to kill him when he would enter the city to give thanks to the emperor as the usual practice. Once Ma Teng is down, he will have no worries in future when Cao Cao wants to focus his army on the south without worrying about the northern enemies close to him.

Probably one of the closest attempt in the success to kill Cao Cao, Ma Teng conspired with Han Sui to make it look like the latter had together with Ma Teng's son, Ma Chao, revolted and attacked Xi Liang, Ma Teng would escape with 5,000 'defeated soldiers' to seek refuge with Cao Cao, and request for troops to take Xi Liang back, which Cao Cao later granted him 30,000 men. Ma Teng's spy in the city was Huang Kui, Huang Kui's wife's brother Miao Zhe was the official in charge of the gates. In this new series, he was having an affair with his concubine, probably to have the effect of his expected betrayal to Huang Kui when he asked him to open the gates late in the night.

As Ma Teng's army charged in, it was then that Cao Cao's men realised that the 5,000 soldiers were not weak and old; they were highly skilled veterans of war that do not go down without a fight.Ma Tie was killed by Cao Zhang along with the 5,000 men, and Ma Teng was apprehended and bound. Cao Cao ordered Huang Kui to be arrested and interrogated, Huang Kui confessed, writing a list of names and included Cao Pi, Cao Cao's eldest son before he threw himself on a sword, killing himself. Cao Cao ordered Xu Chu to bring Cao Pi to his presence.

Cao Pi sought Sima Yi for advice as he was friends with Huang Kui, who was also once a guest of Cao Zhi. Cao Pi was afraid because of this relationship, but Sima Yi said I will give you 2 words of advice. The first is denial, first you must deny everything. The 2nd is to let your father know about Huang Kui's friendship with Cao Zhi... which Cao Pi did, he even denied knowing Huang Kui. Cao Cao told him that Huang Kui is being interrogated right now (he got his men to shout excruciating pain under torture with whipping, giving that impression), so it's better that you confess everything before he does, and it will be a matter of time before he confesses. Cao Pi still denied, Cao Cao told him everyone makes mistakes, even me, I will forgive you if you tell me everything. Cao Pi denied still, and Cao Cao said, even on the verge of death your mouth is still hard. Cao Pi said in tears, if you really want me to speak, I can only speak the truth, Huang Kui's master mind is Cao Zhi, 2 years ago, he is a guest in his residence, they spent a lot of time together and Huang Kui often entertained Cao Zhi with dancers and music. Cao Cao took a sword and cut off the top of Cao Pi's hair, Cao Pi said, please kill me if you don't believe me. Cao Cao told Xun Yu to carry on interrogating Huang Kui, still telling Cao Pi to speak the truth before Huang Kui confesses everything. He then had a game of chess with Cao Pi. Cao Pi won , and Cao Cao said fine, let the heavens decide your fate, in my hands are the chess pieces, I will count them, if they are odd numbered, it means that you have been truthful, it even numbered, I will kill you. It is still not to late for the truth. Cao Pi replied I have never lied to you in your presence. Odd numbered,Cao Cao told Cao Pi. Looks like you did not lie to me. Xun Yu returned at this point and said, Huang Kui has confessed, they indeed have a close relation, we have found some letters under his wife's pillow. Pi Er, I have mistaken you, Cao Cao said and left a sobbing Cao Pi.

Such is the distrust amongst own family blood ties, it is heart wrecking. Such is Cao Cao's distrust, to even his own son. Sima Yi analysed it, if you were to beg your father for mercy, he would think you are useless, but if you were to endure till the end, he would think you have some capabilities. Do you know what is own your mind when he interrogated you? My son, you must, must, must endure till the end. How do you know my father so well, asked Cao Pi, Sima Yi said, If I tell you, don't blame me for isrespecting him, as Cao Pi probed further, Sima Yi, because your father is wise ruler that knows how to deny, dare to deny and will deny everything to the end. Cao Pi laughed his ass off.

Miao Zhe was summoned to Cao Cao, Cao told him, for your efforts I should make you a general. However, Miao Zhe requested for Huang Kui's concubine as well, and Cao Cao told him, In my life, I hate men who has affairs with their Lord's woman. Why? I have one wife, a second wife and nine concubines, a total of 12. If my men had affairs with them and plotted against my life, wouldn't that be hard for me to guard against? Non chalent, Cao Cao said, get him out and execute him. But I saved you, Miao Zhe said, you cannot treat me this way. Cao Cao laughed and said, But I have treated you very well! You have already died in the noble defeat of Ma Teng, I am just giving you a proper burial.

Chapter 62: Ma Chao Chases Cao Cao at 潼关

Xu Chu reports that Ma Chao and Han Sui had gathered all the men of the 8 towns of Xi Liang with a total force of 200,000 men. They have stormed Chang An and am heading towards Xu Chang. Good, Cao Cao said. I shall take this opportunity to wipe all of them out.

Meeting Cao Hong and Cao Ren on their knees while on the way to engage Ma Chao, Cao Cao asked Cao Hong, I have ordered you to guard 潼关 city and not engage the enemy for 10 days, why did you lose the city on the 9th day? Cao Hong told him that Ma Chao had been hurling abuses at the Cao ancestors everyday below their city, I had beared with it for 9 days but could not endure anymore so I went out of the city to attack him. The Xi Liang army is brave, I cannot resist them. Cao Cao said, as the general, you resisted my orders, and lost the city. Have him executed. Cao Ren and the rest of the men spoke up for him and Cao Hong was demoted. Listen up, should there be any more failures, I shall not spare anyone easily.

Fueld with vengeance, Ma Chao is unstoppable in his duels, vowing to feast on Cao Cao's flesh and tear his skin apart. Cao Cao laughed and asked why there there so many people wanting to eat my flesh and tear my skin? Starting the charge after dueling Yu Jin, and Zhang He, he ordered for all his men to ignore everyone else and go for Cao Cao.

Cao Cao flees with Ma Chao hot on his trails. Wearing the red robes is Cao Cao! Ma Chao shouts, and Cao Cao threw his robes away.  The long bearded guy is Cao Cao! and Cao Cao took his sword and cut his beard. The one with the short beard is Cao Cao! Cao Cao tore off a piece of flag and used it as a mask around his face. He ended up being alone and yes, Ma Chao caught up, and yes, Cao Cao is saved, in this case by Xu Chu.

Back at camp, Cao Cao brushes off the incident with his epic laughter, giving credit to the bravery of the Xi Liang men known for their fine breed of horses and spears. Xu Huang suggests and volunteers to send a crack force to detour to the west of the river, engaging Ma Chao's camp from the back. Cao Cao gives him 6000 men and told him not to return to see him should he fail. News comes that he Xi Liang army is reinforced with another 30,000 men. Cao Cao laughed and said good, that will save us the trouble of going to Xi Liang them. Men, I order you to lead the main forces to cross the *渨河 by night and set up camp on the north, prepared to engage the enemy. Further news comes that Han Sui has also come with another 50,000 men to combine forces with Ma Chao. Cao Cao said, My mind is made up, we will enter the north and destroy the Xi Liang forces.

*Wei [4th] River in Shanxi through the 关中 Guanzhong plain

Crossing the river, Cao Cao's camp is wide open to the vastness of the plains. Ma Chao had burnt all his wood supplies and ships, not wanting to give Cao Cao a moment's peace nor a firm ground for them. Ma Chao arrives, and Cao Cao tells Cao Ren, you must remember 3 things. 1st, we must fight. 2. we must win. 3. we must not only win, but we must win in the shortest possible time. Or else, Ma Chao will know that we do not have a firm defense and will send his entire army at us.

Cheng Yu gave Cao Cao an idea when he asked him to return inside the camp, telling him the weather was so cold even rain drops turn into ice. Cao Cao then ordered the men to gather all the buckets and take water from the river. Cao Cao said to Cheng Yu and Xu Chu, the clouds in the skies are gathering from all directions. When the winds arise from the 1st day of the lunar month [槊风],there will be freezing. After that, when the soldiers build the walls and pour water at the same time, by morning, we will have an ice city.

That is what Ma Chao faced when his army arrived.  As Ma Chao dueled over 300 rounds with Xu Chu, (hmm what makes one round?) Xu Huang sneaks an attack behind Ma Chao's main forces. Observing the movements of the Xi Liang men and flags, Cao Ren gathered that Xu Huang has started the sneak attack. With that, Cao Cao orders the city doors open for a decisive battle. Ma Chao lost over 20,000 men. The Qiang ethnic group of Northwestern Sichuan had also left without bidding goodbye. Although Ma Chao feels that their men double Cao Cao by 100,000 , they knew that it is not wise to sustain a long battle with limited provisions. Han Sui proposes an interim peace, to let go of Guanzhong while Cao Cao retreats from Hexi 河西 (where Xu Huang is encamped), both armies to back down through the winter, and Ma Chao can reformulate their plans during summer. Ma Chao tells Han Sui, in that case, please make the decision.

Receiving his proposal of peace, Cao Cao orders Xiahou Yuan to bring news for Han Sui to meet him outside his camp. Having a long talk of the past with Han Sui, Cao Cao laughed a lot and made it look like they are old friends catching up. He achieved what he wanted: Ma Chao is now suspicious of Han Sui of collaborating with Cao Cao. Cao Cao writes a letter of peace for Han Sui but botches up the written words with the ink, telling his general, you are brave with weapons, but sometimes, using pen and ink to kill someone will save us a lot of effort. So when Ma Chao came to Han Sui in his tent, the botched words spurred his suspicion that Han Sui was the one who tried to hide some secret collaboration with Cao Cao. Han Sui maintained his composure, he understood that Ma Chao is still grieving in his heart for the loss of his brother and father. Trying to reason with him, he said he will ask Cao Cao out the next day, when he appears, Ma Chao can thrust his spear in his chest, thereby proving Han Sui's loyalty to his father, whom he takes as a brother. However the next day, Cao Cao does not appear and the messenger told Han Sui, your message is received and duly noted by Cao Cao, at the appointed time, please do not screw up. With that, Ma Chao flew in a rage and tried to kill Han Sui but is stopped by Han Sui's men, making him even more angry. Cao Cao orders his men to shoot arrows at Ma Chao and he fell off his horse, Han Sui got off his horse to help him but Ma Chao cut his hand off telling him to stop the pretense.

Chapter 63:

With the tactic of sowing discord, Cao Cao successfully defeated the 200,000 strong Xi Liang army and captured Xi Liang in succession. Ma Chao fled to Han Zhong with 50,000 men and sought refuge with the governor of Han Ning, Zhang Lu [3rd].

The next scene has Liu Zhang of Xi Chuan painting his dancers, his focus on the eyes as the most important thing in the painting.

Liu Zhang receive news from Zhang Song and Fa Zheng of Zhang Lu's army coming for them instead of going for Cao Cao. Zhang Song told him, if even Ma Chao is no match for Cao Cao, how can Zhang Lu resist Cao Cao?  Han Zhong is easy to attack and hard to defend, for his survival, his best option is to bestow the rank of general on Ma Chao and conquer Xi Chuan. With the combined land and army, he would have a better chance against Cao Cao. In the event that he fails and loses Han Zhong, he can still retreat to Xi Chuan.

Zhang Song's advise for the fatuous and self-indulgent ruler was to pay Cao Cao a visit in Xu Chang with gifts and forge an alliance with him so as to attack Han Zhong. In that way, Zhang Lu will lose his focus on Xi Chuan. With that, Liu Zhang sends Zhang Song as an emissary to visit Cao Cao. Fa Zheng and Zhang Song knows of their weak ruler and transpire to find a new ruler for Xi Chuan. Zhang Song shows Fa Zheng a detailed map of the 41 provinces of Xi Chuan, which he spent 3 years to come up with. The nature of the land in Xi Chuan is filled with danger, without the map, no army can enter. Xi Chuan's grounds, passages, the rivers and plains are narrow and run deep, it is easy to get trapped. The map is also detailed with the military barracks and provision storage areas. Obtaining the map would be akin to having half of Xi Chuan, and Zhang Song has Cao Cao in mind when Fa Zheng asked to whom he would want to give the map to.

Fa Zheng asked, why not Liu Bei? Zhang replied:

In the world, whom is not being scolded by another? In the world, whom does not scold another? While scolding one another, Cao Cao has established a glorious career, if it is said that Liu Bei is a benevolent ruler, then Cao Cao is a tyrant ruler. In this chaotic world, the tyrant ruler is better than the benevolent ruler.

Aftermath of the Xi Liang Victory

Cheng Pu told Cao Cao almost 50% of Cao Hong, Xu Huang, Xiahou Yuan's men were either wounded or killed, Qing Zhou, Ji Zhou, Xu Zhou's taxes were exhausted. The provisions they had saved for 8 years was used up by 70%.

Cao Cao told Cheng Pu, it is a heavy price to pay, but in the long run we have gotten more. First, we have gotten rid of the northern threat, and this time, we obtained the 8 prefectures 郡 of Xi Liang. Xi Liang's lands are bitter and cold, many fine horses and even more fine warriors come from there. We have dominated the central plains, perhaps for 10 years? Everyday, the men's spirits are declining. We really need the Xi Liang men to replenish our camps.

Cheng Pu said, we have just obtained Xi Liang from the Ma's, we have not won the peoples' hearts, the farms are barren. The Qiang people are evading tax, and their young men are evading drafting.

From now on, I want you to do 3 things well. 1st.  Provide support for the citizens. 2. Open up the lands for cultivation 3. Stop the wars. Cao Cao went on to explain, Xi Liang originally is barren and infertile land, on top of that, they are subject to the disasters of war and droughts. The people's lives will be increasingly tough. Pass my orders down, all troops stationed in Xi Liang are not allowed to touch even a single grain belonging to the people, those who disobey, shall be executed. Despatch all the provisions from Chang An to relieve  the victims in Xi Liang. Also, we must exempt all 8 prefectures of Xi Liang from paying tax for 2 years. That is providing support. 养民。Send Yu Jin to lead the old and weak to cultivate the land, for those that are willing to go, give them money, horses, cows and gifts. For the first 3 years, everything they harvest shall belong to them. After 3 years, it will be split 30%-70% to provide for the army provisions.

Now, we have the 4 prefectures of the central plains as well as the lands of Xi Liang. It can be said that we have swept over these lands [纵横] for a thousand miles. However our men had been fighting every year and are worn out. As such it is my will to stop all wars for many years, to be used to train and grow the army, accumulate the provisions, and forge weapons. When we are strong again, we shall lead a southern expedition. For, in order to succeed against others, one must first stand on firm ground that positions himself undefeated.

Pissing Zhang Song away

Cao Cao had understood the intention behind Zhang Song's visit and treated him shabbily. He did not want to help Liu Zhang attack Han Zhong, nor did he want to refuse him, so he could only make Zhang Song so angry he would go away on his own accord. And he did, when he offended Cao Cao by talking about all his defeats when Cao Cao talked about his glorious victories.

I have no idea why an emissary could be so, blunt and sarcastic, he went:


He asked for it, Cao Cao ordered him to be chased out and beaten with the rod. Zhang Song went back, packed up and left. Traveling along the road, he is met by Pang Tong along with Guan and Zhang and is invited to Jing Zhou to meet up with Liu Bei.

Story is continued in Chapter 64 under Liu Bei.

Chapter 68: Cao Cao becomes the 魏王,Xun Yu commits suicide

Xun Yu appears here, bearing a dragon walking stick carved out of wood, he is now an old man who walks slowly. Cao Cao, by this time has aged and of course, looking tyrant awesome and powerful.

The court officials enters the court removing their shoes, as Cao Cao strolled in later with his own. All of them spoke for making Cao Cao the 魏王, but only Cao Cao's old adviser and friend Xun Yu spoke against it. As all of them kowtowed to the Emperor, Xun Yu tells the whole lot off as he walked off. Not left with a choice, a teary eyed Emperor makes Cao Cao the Wei Wang and bestows privileges of royalty on him, 冕十旒 (Royal Crown with 10 Jade Pendants), 乘金银车,驾六马, 出入皆用天子车服(wan)仪。

The next scene shows Cao Zhi wanting to travel to meet his friends to celebrate his father's new appointment. His men tell him that the east gate will take at least 半个时辰, if they travel via 百马门, they will leave the palace immediately, but only the Emperor's carriage can use that gate. Cao Zhi instructs him to take the shorter route and orders the guard to open the gate. Xun Yu appears from nowhere and asks who dares to pass through the gates. Cao Zhi tells him that he has urgent matters to attend to, but Xun Yu tells him even the gravest matter cannot break the rules of the imperial court. Cao Zhi replies he is under orders from his father to meet his friends, please do not block the way. Xun Yu laughs and says, Wei Wang? The rules of the court are decided by the Emperor, if you want to pass through this gate, you have to pass through my body. The father does not obey the rules, neither does the son. The world has become a scandal. Pissed off, Cao Zhi starts to raise his voice, Xun Da Ren, what do you want me to do? Equally mad from the court session, Xun Yu makes his stand and tells Cao Zhi to go back, pointing at the back. Cao Zhi orders his men to charge through, at this time Cao Cao passes by and gives his son a slap.

Chapter 69:

Cao Cao asks who the guard on duty is, and had him executed. Xun Yu addresses him, Prime Minister, before he could finish Cao Cao says, I am the Wei Wang. Xun Yu replies, Prime Minister, the one who broke the rules is your son, why did you kill the guard? Cao Cao says, if the guard does not open the door, how can my son break the rules? That is my rule. Xun Yu starts to shout in anger, if the guard who opens the gate is to be killed, how about all the officials who opened the doors to you becoming the Wei Wang? Should we kill all of them?

Cao Cao, in his trademark laughter to me, says, Xun Yu, Xun Yu, you have followed me for 30 years, I never expect you to be so rebellious. Xu Chu, Cao Cao calls out as a stern looking Xu Chu, ever ready to obey orders follows Cao Cao behind. Xun Yu asks, do you want to kill me? Cao Cao tells him rest assured, I will never kill someone who had done merit. He orders Xu Chu to tear down the walls of Bai Ma Men and tells Xun Yu, I want you to take a good look, in a moment, even the door will be gone. Everyone will be able to walk here. Taking his hand and tapping it, where are the rules that you talk about? Xun Yu faints shortly after and Geng Ji comes to his aid. Xun Yu laughs and says, the Han subjects are not extinct.

Xun Yu fell sick and have not eaten for 3 days, Cao Cao sends Cheng Pu with a basket of fruit to visit Xun Yu, but he sends Cheng Pu away. Taking a look at the 3 layered basket which turned out to be empty, Xun Yu walked toward his sword and committed suicide.

The rebellion at 五凤楼

Geng Ji plotted to kill Cao Cao which did not last long. Bound and kneeling in front of Cao Cao, Cao Cao asks him, do you know that I will exterminate your entire family clan? In defiance Geng Ji says, even so, I still want to kill you. Cao Cao asks, there is something I would like to ask you,the Han dynasty had been on the decline, rift with corruption. Heavy taxes were imposed on the people. There was rebellion and disaster all around us, the entire Han dynasty is just like the ruins below my feet now. It was my blood and efforts that allowed the people to have rice to eat. There was no place for corrupt officials. I think that I do deserve a little credit. But why does everyone hate me so much? even want to kill me? Do you want the Han Dynasty to be back in ruins?

Loyalty is the fore front virtue in a hundred virtues. I live reading the books of the sages, I shall die fulfilling the sages values, Geng Ji tells Cao. I love this part, Cao Cao tells him, if the principles of the sages were so useful, they would already have unified the lands. Do you know? This is called Foolish loyalty. The corrupt officials can be hated, weak rulers can be hated,  but it is people who are foolhardy as you that are most hated.

Addressing him by his name, Geng Ji is still defiant: Cao Ah Man, I cannot kill you when I am alive, I will not let you go when I become a ghost. Is that so? Cao Cao asks and grabs his mouth, in that case you better take a closer look and remember by face lest you forget it in hell. Inferior people like you are not my match on earth, what makes you think you will be my match in hell?

You just got to love his total assholeness.

Sima Yi appears next looking for Cao Pi in a rush. Upset with him for saving his father at Wu Feng Lou, he tells him that he and Cao Zhang have lost whilst Cao Zhi, who did not turn up have won. He explained, your father is a shrewd person, whilst he cannot see Cao Zhi's bravery, he will wonder if your armies are there to save him or to assist the rebellion, even to the extent if one of you have plotted it. Before leaving, he hits Cao Pi on his arms in exasperation as a stunned Cao Pi continue to lay on the floor.

As if to proof that Sima Yi was spot on, Cao Cao orders Cao Zhi to take charge of the army and defend the city to a surprised Cheng Pu. Next, Cao Cao gathers all the men and ordered those who came to his rescue to go the area with the red flag, and those who shut their doors to the area with the white flag. He then rewarded those in the white flag area with 20 taels of gold and dismisses them. He executes all the officials in the red flag area, over 3oo of them, accusing them of assisting the rebellion...

Cao Pi is made Crown Prince

He summons Cao Pi and asks him why are you not at ease? Cao Pi tells him that he is still in shock at his awe and power at the recent event. Do you know why I killed them? Cao Cao asks. Cao Pi replies that there are traitors within the group. If so, why did you still choose to come? Cao Cao asks. A dignified looking Cao Pi kneels and tells his father that he would rather be suspected by him than for him to be killed. In one of the rarer moments of Cao Cao's softness, he tells Cao Pi, Pi Er, Last night, I have seen every of your action. You are not a warrior, and the way you hold your sword is flimsy, but you fought, like a mad man against the traitors with no regards to your own life. He beckons Cao Pi over, Pi Er, I want to make you the Crown prince, today I will make the announcement to the world, you must move to the Prime Minister's residence soon. When I am not in Xu Chang, all important affairs of the military, officials, including the affairs of the imperial palace will be yours to command. Go and get Sima Yi.

Zhong Da, I have made Cao Pi the Crown Prince. Your talent is not beneath Kongming nor Zhou Yu, I hope that you will serve him loyally with all your heart.

Sima Yi's Advice is adopted by Cao Cao

Cheng Pu arrives anxiously informing Cao Cao that Cao Hong had sent an urgent message from Han Zhong. Huang Zhong is leading an army of 200,000 men and broken through 3 camps 寨 and had attacked our army's crucial point, we have suffered heavy casualties. The mountain pass leading to Han Zhong had been breached! (So happy to hear this ^^) Cao Hong requests you to send reinforcements immediately.

Hmm, Liu Bei has not settled down in Chuan Su for a year and already he is attacking Han Zhong. Once Han Zhong is lost, Liu Bei will be in a good position to observe, just like Liu Bang dispatched his army from the central plains, and attack Xu Chang with a decisive battle. Cao Cao had always been wary of Sima Yi, this time though, he looked at Sima Yi and told him to speak up.

Sima Yi, looking all shrewd, calm and composed said: Liu Bei's ambition to be Emperor is already uncontrollable. He had Chuan Shu, Jing Xiang, with a military strength of not less than a million men and at least a 1000 generals. His provisions and supplies are unlimited. At the moment, their army's morale is high, Prime Minister, you do not have to engage them directly. Do you want me to give up Han Zhong? asks Cao. Sima Yi goes on, I think that there is place that is more important than Han Zhong. That is the belly of the world, Jing Zhou. You could let Cao Ren lead a 100,000 army towards Han Zhong, while you personally lead 300,000 men towards the south and conquer Jing Xiang. In this case, Liu Bei will be thrown into confusion, and the dangers in Han Zhong will be relieved.

hmm, excellant plan, Cao Cao comments, but I want to make some modifications. I'll get Cao Ren to lead 100,000 men toward the south, enter Fan Cheng and attack Jing Zhou at the optimum time. I will personall lead 300,000 men to Han Zhong to engage Liu Bei. You shall follow me on this expedition. Sima Yi tells Cao Cao, should you really want a confrontation with Liu Bei, I still have a suggestion. Write a letter to Sun Quan, get him to deploy his army across the river. Combine our forces and attack Jing Xiang, when it is done, we shall split the lands.

Cao Cao says, Sun Quan had lost to me at 合肥 He Fei, will he still combine forces with me? He definitely will, a confident Sima Yi tells Cao. 1. He has been thinking of having Jing Zhou day and night. 2. At this moment, his desires now at not in conflict with you but in line, and that is he also does not want to see Liu Bei swallow the world. Good, Cao Cao said after pondering for a moment.

寨(4th): 1. (old) camp 2. mountain stronghold
Chapter 70: Liu Bei's invasion of Han Zhong

Xiahou Yuan sends a messenger to Cao Cao to send urgent reinforcements to 定军山. Cao Cao praises Xiahou Yuan's bravery, he is proud to have a brother like him. He tells the messenger to rest up, he will send 500 calvary to escort him back to Ding Jun Shan and Xu Huang, Xu Chu immediately with 30,000 men to back him up. Let him guard the pass for one more day and await reinforcements, we will coordinate and kill Huang Zhong.

This was Cao Cao's 4th straight defeat, a first time in Cao Cao's career. Sima Yi asks Cao, do you really want to save Ding Jun Shan? Why not? Do you think I was just talking about it? Cao asks. Sima Yi tells him, you should have dispatched an army the day before, why wait till the battle had gone to its state today? If you send the army now, they need a quick march of one and a half day. By the time they arrive, an 80% chance would be that we had lost it, and our men and horses would be tired.

Cao Cao sighs, I cannot hide anything from you. This is the frustration in my heart.When I told the messenger I will send an army, I told him for the sake of telling him. Ding Jun Shan is treacherous ground, the surrounding mountains are dominated by Huang Zhong, there is no way I can rescue them. No matter how many men I send, I will send them to their death. Sima Yi: To you, the pass had already been lost, so let it be lost with more value. So you want Xiahou Yuan and his men to have a glimmer of hope, to battle to the end and in the process take out as many of Liu Bei's men as possible. After Liu Bei takes the mountain, he will be even more proud and look down on me. This will benefit me when I have a decisive battle with him in future. Wei Wang, Sima Yi sighs, Xiahou Yuan is one of our top generals, he had contributed to many meritorious services, your blood tie relative as well. Once he dies, the army will shake.  Are you upset? asks Cao Cao in a as matter of fact manner. Sima Yi nods his head and says yes, the pain in my heart is excruciating. My heart is in pain too, but what can we do? I can only allow the last person in pain not to be myself, but Liu Bei, said Cao as he slammed the table.

Xu Chu reports to Cao Cao that Liu Bei's vanguards Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong have crossed to the banks of 渭河, Liu Bei's 315,000 army follows them closely behind. Xu Huang have built a bridge and led Cao's army across the river too. They have set up camp on the western shores. Xu Huang wants to follow Han Xin's path, of having relived after a death trap. Cao Cao became angry and said, Xu Huang has read so man military books and still has not learnt anything. He did not think, Han Xin fought the battle with the army's back towards the rivers as the opponent was a weak now. Now he is facing Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang. The 3rd prince Cao Zhang is leading 50,000 calvary traveling at double speed, they now await your command at the valley 斜谷. Cao Cao says, now that he is here, I have no worries. He then dismissed the generals, as well as Sima Yi to think about the situation alone.

A soldier enters Cao's tent and asks him for the camp's password for the word. As Cao was holding on to a piece of internal organ from a chicken, he said, 鸡肋。Yang Song, on hearing that had his men to pack up, the same soldier asked why he is packing up when Cao Cao wants to repel the enemy. Yang Song says that the 鸡肋, whilst tasteless, is also a pity to throw away at the same time, hence Cao Cao will recall the army, it's better to start packing than to be in a fluster when he gives the formal order. He is later ordered to be executed for being a smart Alec.

Cao Cao gathers all the generals at his tent. My intention is to have a last battle with Liu Bei. Should I win, Liu Bei will die without a burial ground. Should I fail, I will become the 2nd Yuan Shao. Tomorrow we will leave at day break, the entire army will head for 五界山 and set up a battle array there. Next day, both vast armies stand at opposite ends in an open ground.

渭河(4th): river rising in Gansu, flowing east into Southern Shanxi.
Cao Cao Vs Liu Bei at 五界山

Riding out to the middle to talk, Cao Cao asks, who is approaching? Liu Bei reintroduces himself, telling Cao Cao how forgetful he is. Cao Cao goes, Oh it is you, is there someone as forgetful as you in the world? In those days when we led an campaign against Dong Zhuo, who led you into the doors of the 18 warlords? When you were chased by Lu Bu with nowhere to go, who helped you? The saying goes, gratitude must be repayed yet you repay gratitude with hatred, betray the court and bring chaos to the world.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei replied with a look of jest. You proclaim yourself the Duke, try to usurp the throne and hold the Emperor at your beck and call. All the Han people would love to skin you alive and eat your flesh. Today, I am here by the order of the Emperor's edict to kill you in repayment to my country. Looking away in smiles for a second, Cao said, another one that wants to eat flesh and skin alive, isn't there any new phrases? Xuan De, I have 400,000 men at my back. If you do not surrender, today shall be your memorial day. Liu Bei takes a look behind at Cao's army. Cao Meng De, I have been dreaming of today's battle with you every day for the last 18 years. Next year, on this day, I will pay my respects to you at your grave. Do you really dare to engage me? Cao asked. Liu Bei replied with a look of challenge, do you think I am merely showing off a display of power to scare you? [drum beats, 三国 plays]

It has been 3 days since the first engagement, over 700,000 men had perished on both sides in this blood bath. Sima Yi reckons that the winner and loser will emerge by nightfall. Cao asks, which of the enemy's generals have not appeared? Sima Yi tells him that Ma Chao and Wei Yan had not appeared on the battle field. At this moment a scout reports that Ma Chao is attacking them with over 10,000 men from the left wing till the Wei River and has seized their army's floating bridges. Cao, remaining calm, ordered Xu Huang to lead 2 camps of cavalry to engage Ma Chao.The next scout comes in to report that Wei Yan had taken their provisions camp with over a 1000 cavalry, Cao asks him to remain calm and tells him that that is an empty camp, his son Cao Zhang had already been waiting for him.  What are you thinking of? He asks Sima Yi with his eyes closed. Sima Yi, looking all weird, comes up next to Cao and says, Wei Wang, there is still a general that has not appeared: Zhao Yun. Shouldn't he be beside Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang? Cao says. As a matter of fact, yes, but I am worried, says Sima Yi. That you have sent all your generals out to the battle field, why did Zhuge Liang leave Zhao Yun out and not use him? In other words,, if Zhao Yun does not appear, I am afraid that he suddenly appear and attack our weakest point? Sima Yi is looking anxious. Cao looks at him and asks, the weakest point? where?

Another scout comes in again, this time Zhao Yun is attacking Cao Cao's main camp. Cao in anger says, Zhao Yun is charging towards me?!  The scout and Sima Yi pleads Cao Cao to mount his horse and leave the camp, at this time, his former condition strikes again and he has a splitting headache as he slumped from his position. Their entire army is seen moving in a file formation, presumably to be retreating. Cao woke up in his carriage and asks for Sima Yi, he asks him about the battle situation.

Aftermath of the battle at 五界山

Sima Yi told him as he looked down: We have lost over 250,000 - 300,000 men, along with all  provisions and battle gear. Liu Bei had conquered all provinces of Han Zhong. When you fainted, the situation was critical. I had discussed with Cheng Yu, Cao Zhang, Xu Huang, etc to retreat our troops. We are now on our way back to Xu Chang. I have made decisions beyond my authority, please punish me. But Cao Cao said in his typical firm voice, You all did the right thing. Who is behind us now? Sima Yi tells him that Cao Zhang has 30,000 men and horses hiding 斜谷 area, He is exceedingly brave, not below Zhao Yun, Liu Bei will not dare to chase after us. I should have listened to you back then, Cao says in regret. The feint towards Han Zhong wil lead to an inevitable battle with Liu Bei. Leading our army to the south to take Jing Zhou, Cao was interrupted by his headache, he uses the bamboo scrolls in his carriage to beat his head. What do you think Liu Bei will try next? Sima Yi replies, after Liu Bei conquers Han Zhong, he will try to follow the footsteps of his great-great-grandfather Liu Bang. He will move his troops to the central plains and observe the situation like a chess game. First to take Xu Chang, Luo Yang, followed by the rest of the world.

Cao asks Sima Yi, do you think I will become the next Yuan Shao? No, was his reply after pondering for a second. Cao asks, why not? you must speak only the truth. Sima Yi explains: Although Liu Bei had scored a great victory over us, his main provisions are thousands of miles away. The shipment from Chuan to Han Zhong will take at least a month. Besides, Liu Bei had lost many men, he urgently needs time to reorganise, I estimate that there will be no major battles in the next 3 - 6 mths. Also, although you have been defeated, you have 300,000 men from the all the provinces of the central plains. In addition, there are 100,000 elite troops from both Cao Ren's Fan Cheng and Xiang Yang that had not been deployed.

What good strategies do you have? is Cao Cao's next question, but Sima Yi tells him to rest up to discuss the matter another day, Cao is insistent, so Sima Yi tells him, I am stupid, I do not have any good suggestions, but if you are to insist, it is still the same things I have told you before, write a letter to Sun Quan and get him to invade Jing Zhou. Cao tells him, The last time I gave tens of thousands of provisions, yet he did not keep his word and did not move his army. Sima Yi told him, the last time, the winner of your battle with Liu Bei was not decided then, what Sun Quan wants is to be able to fish from troubled waters. This time it is different.You lost, Liu Bei won. Right now, the most fearsome enemy to Sun Quan is not you, but Liu Bei.

Guan Yu attacks 樊城 Fan Cheng

Cao Cao addresses his men: I've received news that Guan Yu had suddenly invaded the north, he had taken Xiang Yang and surrounded Fan Cheng, the situation is critical. Cao Ren has requested reinforcements, Fan Cheng is an important city for the middle plains, it cannot be lost.

Which general is willing to lead an army to aid Fan Cheng? There were mumbles in the court, Cao Cao said, it looks like after the defeat at Han Zhong, no one is willing to go to war anymore.  Fine, I shall assign. Yu Jin, all the generals have just returned from Han Zhong with injuries, you are one of my finest generals, you have not battled for many years, shall I send you? Yu Jin replies after the battle at Xi Liang, I have followed orders to plough the lands and have long not battled, I am afraid I might spoil your plans. Cao said, what kind of general are you if you only know how to take care of the lands? You once fought and contributed to many battles. Yu Jin said, it is due to your guidance. However this time, Guan Yu has made a name for himself as a Han general, I am afraid I cannot defeat him. Cao Cao raised his voice and asked him, why don't you think about it from the other way? If you killed Guan Yu, you would make a name for yourself! Yu Jin agrees to go.

Everyone was quiet when Cao asked for another general as the vanguard. He said, it looks like everyone is afraid after a few losses at Han Zhong. You are all scared, am I right? Fine, let this old man go as Yu Jin's vanguard. I will fight Guan Yu to the death. All of you, just observe from the side. Finally, Pang De spoke up and volunteered to go. When Cao told him Guan Yu had not met his match in over 10 years, are you not afraid of him? Pang De said, Guan Yu is human, and so I am. Guan Yu has a sword, and so do I. Why should I be afraid of him? Why don't you ask Guan Yu if he is afraid of me?

Excellant, Cao said as he stood up. Based on your heroic spirit alone, I promote you two ranks and assign you the vanguard. With Yu Jin, you will both lead an army of 80,000 toward Fan Cheng and battle Guan Yu. I will lead 200,000 men as your backup. Give the General's seal to Yu Jin, and Pang De the Vanguard Vice General seal. Cao Cao dismissed the men, telling them, tomorrow I shall set up a banquet for both of you to see you off.

However, when everyone left, Yu Jin reminded Cao Cao that Pang De used to be Ma Chao's vice general, at the moment his previous Lord is now with Liu Bei, and known as one of the 5 tiger generals. His brother Pang Rou is also in Xi Chuan as the governor. You have assigned him as Vanguard, I am worried that you are adding fuel to the fire. Please reconsider changing another general.  Cao said I forgot all about it, quick, summon Pang De back.

Take back his seal, Cao ordered as Pang De returned. Pang De, it is not that I do not trust you, your previous Lord Ma Chao is now with Liu Bei, you brother is also an official in Xi Chuan. Should I use you, the other generals will object and lower the army morale. Hence, it is better that you return to your original position. Wei Wang, Pang De knelt and told him, when I was injured and captured, not only did you not kill me but you treated me well.  I am deeply grateful, even if I were to die, it is hard to repay my gratitude. Today, I volunteered to be the vanguard to kill the enemy and repay my gratitude, how can I have other intentions?

Cao replied, I still dare not give you an army based on these words alone. A general at the battlefield may not heed his Lord's instructions, once you are at the forefront with the military authority, no one has control over you. Should you take away my seal, I shall kowtow to death, Pang De said and started banging his head on the floor. Pang De, Cao shouted at him. If you bring the army over to your previous Lord, it means that you are loyal to him. If you bring the army to battle Guan Yu, it shows you are loyal to me. No matter what you do, you are loyal. Come, Cao said as he offered his hands to help Pang De off the floor, the incident earlier on was my mistake, I apologize to you. He then returned the seal personally to Pang De.

Chapter 71: Guan Yu Floods Pang De's Army at Zheng Kou Chuan

When he captured Cao Cao's generals, he asked Yu Jin if he had heard who was leading the army he attacked. Yu Jin said, Guan Yun Chang. If you have heard so, why did you attack then? You were there when I killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou. Yu Jin told him that he cannot disobey orders from the top. He sends Yu Jin to Jing Zhou, sparing his life on account of old friendship. Guan Yu then told Pang De, surrending to him is not a disgrace if people knew you surrendered to me, but Pang De would rather die, and so he did.

Chapter 72: Guan Yu loses Jing Zhou

Xu Huang was waiting anxiously at his camp for over 20 days, unable to do anything to assist Fan Cheng without Cao Cao's orders. Having been besieged for 2 months by Guan Yu, even all the rats in the city were eaten. Xu Huang dismissed the messenger who broke out of the siege to come for aid from Cao Ren unwillingly, crying in desperation, he had never undergone such humiliation in his 30 years as a general. At this point, Cao Cao arrives and tell him, humiliation is good. Knowing humiliation comes bravery later. Wei Wang, you are finally here, you are finally here. I feel like stabbing myself! You have ordered me to wait here for over 20 days, I have requested to battle 7 times, all 7 times you have told me off.

Why are you here personally today? Cao Cao told him calmly: The battle opportunites have finally arrived. Look, Sun Quan wants to forge an alliance with us, he wants to conquer Jing Zhou, based on the date of the letter, Lu Meng should be below Jing Zhou city already. Xu Huang, listen to my orders: Right now, I give you my Tiger camp, Imperial Guards 御林军 and my son Cao Zhang, everything I hand over you. these are the elite of my 120,000 men and horses. Guan Yu is known as the fiercest general of the world, the Jing Zhou army he leads are Liu Bei's most elite troops. Right now, I order you to defeat him, kill everyone of them, spare no one! Cao suddenly shouted out.

Meantime, Lui Meng attacks Jing Zhou fiercely with his hatred for Guan Yu, determined to take the city on the same day.

Xu Huang attacks Guan Yu's camps, the men of Jing Zhou Guan Yu trained for many years put up a brave fight, resisting Xu Huang's men thrice. Not to be daunted, Xu Huang orders 5,000 front line soldiers and another 5,000 men to supervise them. He orders them: If any of the front line soldiers try to retreat, the 督战士兵shall execute them on the spot. When the front line soldiers have all perished, the 督战士兵 shall attack again. Pulling out his sword, he tells his men, I am now one of the front line soldiers, brothers, come with me!

Cao Cao's men shifted their attack on Guan Yu's east camp to the southen camp, shouting Lu Meng had taken Jing Zhou. Guan Yu refused to believe that Jing Zhou had fallen, assuming it is one of Cao Cao's tactics to lower their army's morale. Meantime, Jing Zhou had been taken by Lu Meng, who set up an altar and offering the city to the deceased Zhou Yu in respect and gratitude.

Finally, Guan Ping reports to Guan Yu that Jing Zhou had been lost in a sneak attack by Lu Meng the night before. Nan Jun's Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang had defected to Dong Wu. Xu Huang charges into Guan Yu's main camp to capture him, Guan Yu fights him single handedly but he had not recovered fully from his injury from Pang De's arrow. Zhou Cang and Guan Ping holds Xu Huang off while Ma Liang pulled Guan Yu away to retreat.

Cao Cao orders that Guan Yu's defeated army can only be chased, and not attacked. As for Guan Yu, he cannot be harmed or killed. Cao Zhang refused to obey the orders, remembering how nonreciprocative Guan Yu had been to his father in the past. Xu Huang tries to stop him, telling him that both of them cannot disobey Wei Wang's orders, even if Cao Zhang were to kill him. Again, Cao Cao appears out of the blue and tells Cao Zhang off. Did you take a clear look at who he is? He is Xu Huang. Who is Xu Huang? He is my 韩信, 白起,周亚夫. When he followed me during Dong Zhuo's time, you were not even born. One Xu Huang is worth ten of you Cao Zhang. Cao Zhang apologizes to Xu Huang, Cao Cao takes away his sword and places it in its sheath. Regaining composure, he tells Cao Zhang, killing Guan Yu is easy, but killing him now will bring us only trouble as he is Liu Bei's brother. Why don't we pass on this trouble to Sun Quan? I only allow you to chase him with a battle formation of flags and drums, do not go a 100 steps near him.

The next scene has Guan Yu's famed hair and beard all turned white, left with less than 1,000 men.

Soldiers report that Liao Hua had gone up to 上庸 Shang Yong to request aid from Liu Feng and Meng Da to send their soldiers, but was refused now that Guan Yu had lost most of his men. Liao pulled his sword in anger but was chased out of the city by Liu Feng's men, it is not known if he is still alive. Guan Yu drops his sabre, faints and falls off his sword on hearing the news.

Jian An 24th Year: Guan Yu's Death

They retreat to 麦城 at night fall. Scouts report that there is an army surrounding them, but it is too dark to see anything. It is not Cao's army, Guan Yu said. Cao's army's are northern horses, their neighs are higher pitched and hoof steps lighter. The battle horses outside are from the south, hoof steps are heavy and sluggish. Ping Er, Lu Meng has arrived. Guan Ping pleads with Guan Yu to get on his Chi Tu Horse and escape, but Guan Yu scoffs and tells him he would have went to Shang Yong if he wanted to run. Guan Yu orders the men to open the doors and battle them, Zhou Cang pleads with him to do battle another time when there is an opportunity, but Guan Yu grabs on to his sabre and shouts, Follow me to battle!

The men made it out of the city with 12 horses left. Lui Meng is in hot pursuit despite Sun Quan's orders not to touch Guan Yu, knowing that he will head towards Shang Yong and that the enemy's horses are fatigued from the 3 days and 3 nights travel from Fan Cheng. Lu Xun tries to catch up with Lui Meng to stop him, but Lui Meng orders his men to bear his battle flag and head towards the west while he leads another group towards the north after Guan Yu.

Lui Meng catches up with Guan Yu soon, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang fight to the end, Guan Yu sat down, motionless, hand on sabre with his eyes closed as Luii Meng smiles. Eventually, Guan Yu is left alone, stroking his beard as Lu Meng's soldiers surrounded him and approached him warily. They backed up when Guan Yu stood up, who then pulled out his sword and took his own life. Lu Meng bows in respect, and slices his head off to offer Zhou Yu's spirit.

Guan Yu was 58 years old, his legends continued throughout generations to come for his loyalty and exceptional bravery (but not his pride which had no regards for anyone else)

Later, Lui Meng passes away mysteriously.

Chapter 73: Jian An 25th Year - Cao Cao passes away

Lu Xun is summoned back to Dong Wu. Sun Quan hints to promote him to the Commander of Army, but Lu Xun requests to resign from his post and return home to study. Sun Quan tells Zhang Zhao, for more than 10 years, I have always been at the beck and call of these commanders, it is only today I can become a real ruler.

Sun Quan sends Guan Yu's head to Cao Cao for his 65th birthday, Cao Cao knows that he is trying to shift Guan Yu's death to him along with Liu Bei's wrath. What shall we do? Cheng Yu asks. We will petition to the Emperor to make Guan Yu 荆王。 Have his body buried with his head and incense wood at the Northern gates outside 洛阳 Luo Yang. Have all the officials to attend his funeral too.

At the funeral, Cao Cao faints after reminiscing the old times at Guan Yu's grave. The imperial doctor could not do anything, but recommends Hua Tuo, the renowned physician known to cure many illnesses. Hua Tuo tells Cheng Yu the origin of the problem lies in his head, for at least the past 25 years. The method to treat Cao Cao is to cut open his head, but Cao Cao laughs and thinks that he is in cahoots with Guan Yu and it is an attempt on his life in the name of healing him.

Cao Cao's Final Moments

Cao Cao rejected Cheng Yu's advice and the men's wishes to dispose the Emperor and make himself the Emperor. He summons Cao Pi to his side, accusing him of the person behind Cao Chong's death. Still testing his son in his final moments, he tells his son, good, good. Our Cao family can succeed only with a ruler like you and Sima Yi's scheme. Let me tell you, Sima Yi is a rare talent of the world, you must make use of them, without his assistance you are no match against Zhuge Liang. But you must remember, you must always be on your guard against him. You must always bear this in mind. From now, you are an elder brother at home, and the ruler in court. You must treat your siblings well.

Cao Cao then asked for all the officials to come in.

I have unified the world for over 30 years, killing many heroes. Only Jiang Dong's Sun Quan and Xi Shu Liu Bei have yet to be eliminated. Today I am sick and unable to work with all of you. I wish to entrust my family affairs to you. My eldest, Cao Ang, had unfortunately died young in 宛城,Lady Huan's Cao Chong intellect was higher than many people, unfortunately he died too. I have 4 sons, Pi, Zhang, Zhi, Xiong. Although I love Cao Zhi deeply, he is an empty show that is addicted to drinking, hence I cannot make him the Crown Prince. Cao Zhang is brave, but without scheme. Cao Xiong has many illnesses and his own life is at stake. Only Cao Pi, honest and sincere, respectful and cautious, can succeed me. Please give him all your assistance.

(This is the first time in the show that I recall seeing Cao Cao cry.)

I have killed many people in my lifetime. When I die,erect 72 graves outside 德彰府武城. Never ever let any one know where I am buried. Also, my widows are free to leave or to remarry if they wish. Death is not a scary thing, it is a cool breeze on a summer night, providing one with a trouble-free sleep. The common people have made a mistake in their judgment of me, today, they have made the same mistake again. Perhaps they shall still see wrongly again the next day.


Suddenly, Cao Cao pointed forward and all the officials turned back. Cao Pi brought his drinking cup to him and offered it to his father. Cao Cao placed his fingers in the cup, flicked his fingers and was motionless.

Cao Cao was 66 years old. He was an excellent politician, military commander, literal scholar and an exceptional strategist. It is due to his hard work that the foundations of unification after the period of the 3 kingdoms was laid.

--- End --- (whew)

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