Thursday, 19 January 2012

诸葛亮字孔明 Zhuge Liang VIII by plaedes

Chapter 42: The Attack on 赤壁 Chi Bi

Already predicting the outcome of the battle, Zhuge Liang returns to Liu Bei and sends the generals his military command:

Zhao Yun, take 3000 men, cross the river and ride straight to 乌林小道 (Wu Lin), lay an ambush amongst the thickness of the reeds. After the 4th watch, the defeated Cao army will pass by, burn the reeds and charge out, even if you cannot wipe them out completely, you can take out at least half of his men.

Yi De (Zhang Fei), Lead 5000 men, cross the river and head straight for 彝陵葫芦 (Yi Ling mound)where you will lay an ambush. After Zhao Yun's attack, they will not dare to head south  but flee towards the north of Yi Ling. Attack them then, even if you cannot capture Cao, this merit is not small! Zhang Fei accepts the order, happy and enthusistic.

Mi Fang, Mi Chu, Liu Feng, heed my command: Lead 100 speed boats, do not attack the Cao troops, circle around the river, capture the surrendered troops, armour and weapons left behind, I'd reckon you will have a productive trip.

Liu Cong, the distance of the land before 武昌 (Wu Chang)is of utmost importance, please lead your troops to Wu Chang City, when you see Cao's army, beat your dreams ferociously and charge out from the city and kill the enemy.

My Lord, we shall head to the mountan top of 樊口(Fan Kou)where we shall set up a drinking table in celebration of Zhou Yu's victory.

All this time, he had purposely left Guan Yu out, wanting him to guard Hua Rong valley, for his strategy was to let Cao go so as not to make Liu Bei Cao's #1 enemy. He told Liu Bei he had observed the stars, Cao's time is not up yet, we might as well let Guan Yu have the honour, it would be a beautiful tale for thousands of generations.

Liu Bei said, You are a rare genius, since times of ancient and today.

Chapter 47: Post Chi Bi: The Battle for Nan Jun

The warlords knew the importance of Nan Jun as a base to capture the most sought after Jing Zhou and the 9 provinces, which currently under Cao Cao.

Cheng Pu reported to Sun Quan that their scouts have scouted Liu Bei's troops moving to 油江口,setting up camp along the river and facing the mountains. In front of the camp was Liu Bei's flag.

Liu Bei was no different, especially in his case, a starting ground was important, but when Zhou Yu heard that they were attacking Nan Jun, deep inside, he was not happy about it, feeling that Jiangdong should have it having lost so many men at the battle of Chi Bi. However, he told his men, since he wants it, let him have it, we should not stop there, in fact we should lend them a hand. They are short of provisions, let us use your good name my Lord, and provide them with 3000 石 provisions.

Zhou Yu knows that Liu Bei only has 15,000 men, Nan Jun's defenses are impregnable, guarding it is Cao Cao's trusted general Cao Ren with 20,000 men. He said to Lu Meng, any general knows that to besiege a walled city of 20,000 men, one must have at least 60,000 men. Does Liu Bei have that? Such an attempt with a small force like his will only lead to defeat. Don't forget, not far from 南郡 is Yi Ling City, Cao Cao's top general Cao Hong is guarding the city there, forming a pincer defence with Nan Jun.

Zhuge Liang must know of this, but he still chooses to attack. Why? For he knows I will not sit by and do nothing, he wants me to lead my troops and fight Cao Ren and wait for an opportnity.

When we decide to wait, after 20 days, Zhuge Liang will lose his patience and attack them, till then, we can rush in and capture Nan Jun.

Zhou Yu's portrayal

Whilst he is acknowledged as a good commander-in-chief, he is also known to be petty, and cannot have people being better than him. Being intelligent and talented is one thing, knowing how to be humble is important as well, knowing that he is not up to Zhuge Liang's par, he is arrogant, whilst Zhuge Liang is composed. It is irritating to watch Zhou Yu 'trying hard', 'looking hard' to 'be better', and refreshing to watch Zhuge Liang playing it patient.

The actor did a good job in this aspect, later on visiting Liu Bei, he portrayed Nan Jun as their right, even demanding to see Liu Cong so as to understand the truth of Liu Bei's purpose of raising an army. He knew Liu Cong had 50,000 men, combined with Liu Bei's army, they would have about 60,000 men for the heavily defended Nan Jun's 20,000 men under Cao Ren. In fact, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang had Liu Cong travel hundreds of miles by sea as part of the show for Zhou Yu.

Eventually, he had an agreement with Kongming: Leading 50,000 men to capture Nan Jun within 30 days, failing to do so, Zhuge Liang can move his army to take the prized city that opened the doors to Jing Zhou.

Cao Ren loses 彝陵 to Zhou Yu in their first engagement, but quickly makes up for it, pretending to pull out his army from Nan Jun. Falling for the bait, Zhou Yu's army moves into Nan Jun in his haste and pride and is ambushed, they lose 5,000 men. Zhou Yu is hit by a deadly poison arrow in that fight. Zhou Yu pretends to be dead and lure Cao Ren to attack his camp during Dongwu's mourning, and Cao Ren took the bait as well.

Zhuge Liang, playing chess with Liu Bei in their own camp, saw through the ploy, reasoning was that, if Zhou Yu was really dead, he would have sent Lu Meng or Cheng Pu to require aid from Liu Bei, a few days passed and no one came, so it is a ploy.

Seizing the golden opportunity when Cao Ren attacked Zhou Yu's camp, he sends in Zhao Yun to capture Nan Jun. Over here we can see Zhao Yun's eloquence: Upon Zhou Yu's arrival, he told him he was sent to guard the city from Cao Cao's army having heard they had heavy casualties from Cao Ren's ambush, that a pact was made between him and Zhuge Liang that should he fail (well he died) they will lead their army in.

Zhou Yu looks pissed, coughed out some blood, and  falls off his horse, yawnnnzzz.

So, with minimum effort, Zhuge Liang captured Nan Jun. On top of that, making use of Cao Ren's military authority token from Nan Jun 'to deploy troops to reinforce Nan Jun', having Zhang Fei to capture another city, and Guan Yu, another city as well. Freaking Brilliant. Typical Zhuge Liang.  The end result here is Jing Zhou's Nan Jun's 3 cities now belong to Liu Bei.

On the next step after Jing Zhou

Zhuge Liang reassures Liu Bei, who does not feel right about seizing it from Zhou Yu when they lost so many men.

Sun Quan and Lu Su are understanding people, Zhou Yu is not angry with you, just at me. If you offer me to him, he will be elated. Liu Bei said, I'd rather lose Jing Xiang than to lose you. They will surely think of a way to recall his army that is stationed outside our city.

The city will be safe for 2 years, as Sun Quan still needs our alliance, when our relationship is strong, Cao Cao will not attack. 2 years later, our army will grow from strength to strength and even when anyone wants to attack us, they will think twice.

Why did he leave only 20,000 men here? His calculative mind already knew that it is gone. Later on, Xu You said, one bone, two dogs, the faster dog will chew the bone and go away, how can the stronger dog bear this defeat?

Remembering the first things Zhuge Liang taught him when he visited him thrice, he gave thanks and credit to him for having help him complete the first move: Obtain Jing Zhou.

Liu Bei, I'd reckon is in his 50s at this time.

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