Thursday, 19 January 2012

诸葛亮字孔明 Zhuge Liang VI by plaedes

Chapter 38:

Realizing that Kongming was spiting him to surrender knowing his true intentions, Sun Quan and Lu Su has tea with Kongming. Earlier on, Kongming told Lu Su that he wanted to share his strategies to defeat the Cao army, but Sun Quan did not ask so he can only keep it in his heart.

I could never understand why amidst all the scholars in Jiang Dong, they needed Zhuge Liang to explain this to the Lord, which seemed obvious. Fear has a way of blocking one's head and stuffing it with cotton. Or perhaps it is on Kongming's explanation that makes it much clearer.

Zhuge Liang's analysis of the situation:

1. Most of Cao's men are from the north and not familiar with sea battles, since they have arrived in the south, many have fallen sick. As such, Cao's army wanes 20-30%.

2. From his numerous campaigns, as well as arriving from the north, his men are fatigued.

3. A prideful army has resulted from Cao Cao's victory, whereas the new additions are from Jing, Xiang. They have surrendered but detest Cao Cao for ruining their homes and raping their women.

4. As such, half of his army are prideful, the other half are resentful. His military strength is reduced another 20%.

5. In attacking Jiang Dong, the main attack is sea battle, and you have the best known Navy in the land. Cao Cao is building warships, and these ships need to be driven by the navy. He may build numerous boats in a number of months, but he will not be able to train a good navy in this span of time. It is so much more difficult to train a good navy than to build warships. Compared to your experienced navy, therefore Cao Cao's strength loses another 20-30%.

6. So, good Lord, you may regard Cao Cao's so-called million army with about 10% power. Not only that, you may observe with a smile, 10%, is about 100,000. With the ferocity of our combined and refined military, is that not akin to crushing his army to powder?

Zhuge Liang spurring Zhou Yu

Knowing Zhou Yu had a large influence on Sun Quan's decision, Kongming and Lu Su paid a visit to Zhou Yu who rushed back in the night on news of the invasion. Prior to their visits, 4 groups, 2 of the scholars, and 2 of the generals tried to persuade him, all to which he answered he will see the Lord tomorrow and have a decision then.

His reply to Zhuge Liang was that of surrender, and Zhuge Liang agreed with him, adding that Zhou Yu is not his match, knowing his pride. That only Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao had the resources to repel Cao Cao, but they are all dead, and Liu Bei is all alone. The next sentence he made was brilliant, first putting down Zhou Yu's pride, next linking it up and further adding fuel to the fire, suggesting for Zhou Yu to offer 2 women to Cao Cao.

What kind of women? Zhou Yu asked。

Reflecting his organized mind and eloquence and making use of what he knew of Cao Cao, Kongming said, everytime Cao Cao conquered a land, he will place the beautiful women from the land to live in his premises. Cao Cao desires to have Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, the famed beauties and daughters of Qiao Guo Lao k(nowing that Xiao Qiao is his wife), Kongming said. During Cao Cao's last birthday, he raised a glass to the heavens and said he only have two wishes in his life: 1. Was to unite the 4 oceans, becoming the tale of a thousand lifetimes. 2 To obtain Jiangdong's 2 Qiaos to accompany me in my old age.

With the first 'wish', was inciting Zhou Yu's righteousness, with the 2nd, his love and jealousy for his wife.

Zhou Yu banged the table in anger. Kongming said, why are you angry? 想当年范彝[Fan(4th) Yi (2nd)]天后为保越国平安还美女西施贡奉给夫差 终于帮着勾践一洗三年为奴之耻, 灭了吴国.

Lu Su explained that Da Qiao is Sun Ce's wife, and Xiao Qiao is Zhou Yu's wife. Kneeling, kowtowing and asking for forgiveness, Zhuge Liang feigned ignorance, and he has got to add, I do not dare to say something should I offend Zhou Yu's tiger aura (translated lol). Zhou Yu in anger, said, I order you to say!

And Zhuge Liang talked about Cao Cao's interest in women, particularly those belonging to other men, and especially the wives of the rulers he conquered: Zhang Ji's wife Zhou Si, Yuan Shu's wife Wu Shi, Yuan Shao's Zhen Fu Ren, Lu Bu's Diao Chan all have been screwed by Cao Cao. Everyone in the world knows of his weird tastes, do be careful, general.

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