Thursday, 19 January 2012

诸葛亮字孔明 Zhuge Liang III by plaedes

Chapter 34

Do you know where I've been? Xi Chuan, said Kongming as he rolled out a map of the 54 provinces of Xi Chuan made of cloth on the floor.

From now, your eyes must be on Jing Zhou, desire on Xi Chuan, contain the world in your heart, and plan to achieve Xi Chuan according to the map.

Liu Bei, kneeled and broke into tears and begged him to leave his abode, without him, there would be no hope for the people. Zhuge Liang was moved by his sincerity, and there the story goes.

Chapter 35 - The Battle of 博望坡,  Xiahou Dun Attacks

Spending much time with Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei incurs the jealousy of Zhang and Guan.

Labelled as someone who only knew how to use his mouth and a youngster who does not know anything by the brothers, Zhuge Liang borrowed Liu Bei's Military Authority symbol and sword for 10 days in the face of the impending attack. He knew he needed it as a start to command Zhang and Guan.

Aware of his position and the situation, he remained unfazed. His delegation and instructions for this battle:

In the advance of the Cao Army, they will pass by 博望坡, on the left of this area is a mountain, called 豫山。On the right, a forest, 安林。In the low lying area of the mountains, we can lay an ambush. 

Guan Yu: To lead 1000 troops and wait in the mountains, when the Cao army come, let them pass. 

Their provisions will be behind their main army. When you see a northern fire lit, attack them, however do not be greedy for their provisions nor any spoils. Burn their provisions and block their retreat. 

Zhang Fei: To lead 1000 troops and ambush after the forest, when you see the northern fire, attack the enemy, and charge to the city of 搏望。 

Zhang Fei asked, Didn't you just say that the enemy will be at 博望坡? Why am I going into the city? 

Zhuge Liang: 博望坡 is where the Cao army will enter, the city is where they will reside. The provisions and supplies will be in the city. I want you to burn them all. 

Guan Ping: To bring fire starting materials and 500 men and wait behind the 博望 city. Assist Zhang Fei when he arrives. 

Mi Fang: Bring Zhao Yun back from 樊City, he is to engage the main army: He is only allowed to lose the fight and not to win. 

My Lord: Please lead 3000 Calvary and take charge of assistance. 

Liu Bei leads an example in giving the advisor due respect knowing the importance of having a team of warriors, which he had, and a brilliant strategist to guide them. 

Guan Yu asked: What will you do when all of us are out there killing the enemy? 

Zhuge Liang: I will guard the city. 

Zhang Fei: Whilst we are risking our lives, you are having a good time drinking tea. 

Zhuge Liang: The Lord's sword is here, those whom do not obey military orders, shall be executed. 

Liu Bei: Victories and defeats are decided by Strategies made a 1000 miles away. Those who reject the orders will be executed. 

Zhuge Liang: All generals, go now, and execute my instructions quickly, said Zhuge authoritatively. 

When everyone had left the command post, Liu Bei asked if he had confidence, Zhuge said, do not worry my Lord, today, you may go to 博望山 to position the troops. Tomorrow, the Cao army will surely arrive, when they do, abandon camp and run as pathetically as possible. But once you see the northen fire, turn back and attack. 

Oh, I forgot to to inform Jian Yong and Sun Qian to prepare our victory feast.

Cao Cao Leads his 500,000 army to attack Liu Bei

Cao Cao launched another attack on the city of Fan Cheng after the battle at Bo Wang Po as Kongming predicted. Liu Bei loses Fan Cheng, Zhang Guan took Cao's generals as prisoners in Xin Ye.

Kongming is expecting another attack the next day on Xin Ye. And knew that Liu Biao will hand Jing Zhou to Liu Bei, and the latter, will refuse for his principle, in thinking it is taking advantage of the situation and the heir should be his son Liu Cong.

Kongming's only option was to give up Xin Ye being too small to withstand Cao's attack, and retreat to 江夏 Jiang Xia。

To Guan Yu: Lead 3000 troops and lay in wait at the upper reaches of the White River. Every soldier must bring along a sandbag, filled with sand and placed to hold the waters of the river. Tomorrow at 三更,when you hear people shouting from the lower reaches, remove the sand bags and release the water. When that moment comes, chase the enemy along the flows of the river. 

Guan Yu: Where can I find 3000 sandbags at such short notice...? 

One of the men: 5 days ago, the advisor had already instructed me to get them ready, outside the city there are 5000 sandbags, you can take them along as you leave with your army. 

Zhuge Liang to Zhang Fei: Lead 3000 men to 博陵渡口 (ferry) [du(4th)] to ambush. The waters there are the most stable, when the Cao army is flooded, they will surely make their escape from that way. Take that opportunity and attack them then. 

Zi Long: Take 3000 men and divide them into 4 groups, each group to guard the Xin Ye West, North, South gates whilst you station yourself at the East Gate. When Cao Cao arrives in the city, he will rest his army there. I have already instructed Mi Fang to leave flammable materials 硫磺硝炭(sulfur and carbon) on the roof top。 Tomorrow evening when the Cao army prepares their meals, there will be a heavy wind. Once you see the wind rise, instruct your 4 groups to shoot their arrows into the city. 

When the city is up in flames, all troops at the gates will wave our flag and shout as a signal, leaving only the East Gate open for them to escape. 

Guan Ping, Liu Feng, Listen to the Command: Two of you will take 2000 men, one group bearing a red flag, the other a green flag, stationed at the end of the slopes outside Xin Ye City. When the Cao army flees, the red flag bearers will be on the left, and the green flag army on the right. Wave your flags and beat the drums, the enemy will be suspicious and not dare to engage you. They will retreat toward the White river. When that happens, chase them towards 博陵渡

Note: total of 11,000 men Vs 500,000 men?

To Liu Bei solemnly: My Lord, the Cao army will be defeated tomorrow, but there is just enough time for our retreat, as such we cannot wipe out his 500,000 army completely. We still need to give the city up, we still need to retreat to Jiang Xia,

One of the men: What will be of the 180,000 citizens when we burn the city? Liu Bei in a moment, did not think of that. His subordinate said: Military advisor had already decided to give out our provisions and gold and divide them amongst the citizens, but the citizens are unwilling to accept. They say, that they will follow you my Lord, wherever you go. They say that as long as they follow you, good times will follow them.

Liu Bei decided to take the citizens along in his retreat to Kongming's advice that in the 280 mile retreat, the old and the children will slow them down, if Cao's heavy Calvary were to pursue, it would be disastrous, but Liu Bei had made a stand. He said, the Citizens may abandon me, but I shall never abandon them.

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